SPN 3.1 - "The Magnificent Seven"

Oct 05, 2007 01:21

Dean was very beautiful, tonight. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

The light flare shooting over Bobby's head in the car was cool. And I like the new title graphic.

I find it hard to believe that Sammy's never seen that "part" of Dean -- and I don't mean that in a Wincesty way. Sam was adorable peeking into the room, but the way I envision that scenario is more like Sam pounding on the door all, "DEAN! PANTS! NOW!"

I haven't checked, but the exterior of the house "Just outside Lincoln, Nebraska" looks a lot like Lenore's hideout in Bloodlust. And the interior looks like the Tanners' house in Croatoan.

Brava the Kim Manners groovy camera moves and close-ups of LOVE :)

"I hate this family!" Heh, hi, Lucy Ewing :)

I liked the hunting couple in theory. Interesting look, and it's always nice to see characters of color. Alas, their dialog was forced and not very well-acted. I liked Tamara better after Isaac died, though.

I'm sad that the Winchester rep is mud. Although, ever since the finale, I've been hoping for a crossover fic wherein the boys meet Buffy, who's all: "You're the chuckleheads who opened the Wyoming Hellmouth? Nice going."

Sam smushing Dean while getting in the back seat was awesome. Sammy getting the drop on them not so much. Shallow: Like the rain shadows on Dean's pretty face.

The demon bar (haven't seen one since Caritas) was oddly well-lit and lacking in character. It looked like an ER lobby or something.

"What's in the BOX?!" = Most inappropriate Dean humor since "Awkward" in Croatoan, heh.

"You can repress and deny us all you want, but the truth is, you are just animals." So, we're banging the inner demons drum hard this season, eh?

It's one thing to be okay with only having a year to live, but Dean is very death wish-y :( And hey, since when is "RUN!" not a perfectly acceptable plan?

"He didn't make it." Cold.

Candlelight, Guns, Sam, Dean, and the LOOK. DAMN.

Why can some demons break the Devil's Trap and some can't? Why can demons not be shot or stabbed except for when they can?

I thought Pride was especially good. "Boy King"? "Fair game"? Hmmm. Oh, and you just know that the actress playing Lust was all: "BEST. GIG. EVER!"

I'm with y'all who said THE 7 DEADLY SINS should've been more... something. And multi-ep, perhaps spread out over the season. But I think this premiere was mostly set up for the rest of the year. It was no IMToD, but I still enjoyed :)

I liked Ruby. Nifty Knife Fu. We knew they were going to meet-cute, but I'm glad that Sam saved her ass, too, and said so.

Watching Isaac burn must have been some bad deja vu for the boys :(

Nice shot of the boys (including Bobby) standing over the shallow grave. Especially with the fire.

Loved the Brother Scene, which I was getting impatient for. Loved Sam calling Dean on EVERYTHING and Dean just copping to it with no regrets because all that matters is that Sam's alive. I'm concerned about "I'm tired", though, because that will still be there when Sam gets him out of the deal. Also, I think that Dean really believes that him dying and GOING TO HELL would not twist and break Sam. That Sam will ultimately be fine, maybe even better off. Oh, Dean.

Finally, Big Love to adjrun (whose boyfriend was v.v. pretty, tonight) for chatting all through the show and for hours after :D WHEE!


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