Looooong time no post. Big Christmas collector here, especially the annual Christmas pins. I have every single one going all the way back to 1998. I recently noticed I didn't buy the 2019 one. After doing extensive research I don't think they made a 2019 one. I have up to 2018 and I just bought 2020, but no 2019. What gives? Did they really not
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Comments 4
From what I understand, they started some kind of holiday rotation. 2019 they made a Halloween pin, but no Christmas pin. 2020 had a Christmas pin, but no Halloween pin. As for why they started doing this, I don't know. I can ask my friends in Japan if they know specifics.
That's good to know. Why would they rotate them. Just make both. Any more info you can dig up would be appreciated. Thanks!
They actually still have it available on the website. Here's the link:
I love these pins!! So cute. I could so easily get into collecting Pokémon pins....I have a few, but no Christmas ones. 🙂
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