16 pictures of the superstar 'Lady Gaga'. Do not, under any circumstances take this picture spam and edit it for you're own. Do not us the images here as bases for your own graphics or icons, do not upload to tumblr (I will upload them myself if I want to share them there I have already uploaded them myself under the username hinotoriii), and do not steal any images.
Now, enjoy this picspam - filled with lovely goodness of the mother Monster herself, and some of her outfits :)
My mind is working in overdrive at the moment, so there might be a part two to this picspam (especially since 16 images = really not much / not as many pictures as other picspams may have). There could be a part two to the gaga picspam, there might be other picspams instead. I'm considering an Adam Lmabert or a Madonna one next, or even some dedicated to some of my favorite movie stars but I guess we'll see :)
I hope you enjoyed this rather small picspam, especially since it took me a while to put together and edit the images (might not look like much but, it's more work than you believe lol xD).