It's so rare that the 911 Parrot Alert list has two such stories in such a short time, birds being lost for a year or more being returned to their original families, that I thought I'd post this one, too. Good things do happen in the world and it's important to remember this what with all the bad news we're fed all the time. Read on here...
"On August 20, 2009 I was asked to foster a Double Yellow Headed Amazon. The young man that had this Amazon committed suicide and they needed to do something with this parrot. The first thought they had was Animal Control. Then someone said, "I know someone that will take care of her until we decide what to do with her." That someone was me.
When I went to pick her up I told them I needed a little information about her. They gave me very little, as they knew nothing at all about her, except she was his bird. But they did know this about her, she was found somewhere between 3-5 years ago!
When they told me this, I told them that someone maybe looking for her. I lost a Grey 4 years ago and still look day and night in the papers and online. If I am not looking, Mic may never get home.
They thought I was crazy thinking that someone may still be searching for this little one. But I thought there just maybe another crazy person out there like me that won't give up.
I took her home and cared for her for about three weeks all the time doing a quiet search, as she wasn't mine yet. At the end of three weeks they told me that she was mine and I could do with her what I wanted.
I knew then that the search really had to begin now to get her home. I was just hoping that her family hadn't given up on her though.They just about have to be looking for this miracle to happen.
I want to thank Pam Waldron and Retta for their help and advice in helping to get this little one home.
I posted her every where online that I could find. I called and left messages with every vet in the phone book. An ad was run in three papers in NC.My friend Nancy Heffernan helped by placing her in three papers in SC . We tried to do a legband search also, but came up with nothing.
Nancy got several calls in SC. I got several here, but none matched her description. In fact one lady told me this evening that I will be arrested in the morning for not giving her back her bird! You got to get the crazy call also!
I was kind of thinking that well maybe we won't be getting this little one home after all. She has been in the paper for two weeks and no calls are even coming close to being her. I guess I will just go ahead and keep her. She is a little sweetie!
About 6:30 this evening a man called me and said, "I lost a DYH Amazon about 4 years ago". The more he talked the more I thought this is his little girl. I asked if he had a band number and he said "I don't, but let me call the breeder". He called me back about 5 minutes later with her band number. I was shocked and so was he. I told him, "I have your little girl!" "This is her!"
He said "Can I come and get her right now?" I said "Of course!"
He showed up about 7:40 to get her. She looked shocked when she saw him. He was able to go up and put his arms around her and she was responding to him. He said "Puff up for Daddy". She did and she repeated "Puff up for Daddy!"
There is no doubt about it this is his little girl. He lost her about 4 years ago while on the way to the vets to get her wings clipped. She escaped through the door. For 4 years she has been living in the same town, Gastonia, NC. They never knew what happened to her, until tonight when they called an ad in the paper just to check to see if it could possibly be Eunice! Guess what? It was Eunice and she is home tonight finally after 4 years! Miracles do still happen!
-Jayne Stafford"