I bought my first Coach handbag from this seller a few days ago, and she was the friendliest I've interacted with ("almostmediocre" on ebay should you wish to see my feedback from sellers), she was patient and understanding of my complete lack of knowledge in regards to handbags, readily gave more detailed descriptions over email, shipped the bag out the day after payment, and even offered to browse an upcoming outlet sale for a wallet that matches.
Before the transaction was even discussed, the seller provided ebay references to establish credibility, which was a pretty nice change from sellers who harbor the "HEY YOU CAN TRUST THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS BAG BECAUSE I STAPLED COACH TAGS TO THE HANDLE" sentiment with 40% positive feedback.
I plan to do future business with this seller, and maybe just ask her opinion on matching things every once in a while just because she's awesome like that. I guess for the sake of ebay style feedback, "A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <3" 8
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Handbag was exactly as described, in perfect condition, and authenticated (explicitly so I could come tell whoever's reading this that it's for sure real, even though I already knew ;)). Shipping was fast as promised, and basically everything was perfect.
Transaction was super fast and came just in the nick of time (I lost my nose ring and you sent me the ones I bought) Thanks soo much, I would deffinitely do business again!
Comments 27
Before the transaction was even discussed, the seller provided ebay references to establish credibility, which was a pretty nice change from sellers who harbor the "HEY YOU CAN TRUST THE AUTHENTICITY OF THIS BAG BECAUSE I STAPLED COACH TAGS TO THE HANDLE" sentiment with 40% positive feedback.
I plan to do future business with this seller, and maybe just ask her opinion on matching things every once in a while just because she's awesome like that. I guess for the sake of ebay style feedback, "A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <3" 8 ( ... )
Thanks so much hun ♥
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