Info dump

Sep 17, 2009 12:52

So, we are back to school. My last real comments were about being nervous and unsure about LARPs and whether they were worth it, etc. I am happy to say that I had two weekends that I came away from feeling as though I had both a good time and learned things.
The Danzig game was my first time as a player and the first time that I had a follow-up scene. My father in law is a genius and noted that it was supposed to be rather cold and damp for the weekend and suggested that the kid stay with Mom mom. Since it turned into Muddaggedon, we were VERY happy that she was not with us- none of us would have had any fun with her there.

Scene: While it was not “my” plot per se I was running it and wrote it. Sadly, people didn’t get the chance to opt in or out of it which was a damn shame. I would have preferred that people be there because they wanted to be, but it is a fact that one of the chars (I’m not sure about the player) who didn’t want to be there cut through people’s namby pambyness about a puzzle and made them recognize the answer. That was pretty cool.

PC: I found that I LOVE my character- she is in many ways a Cipher (faction-wise, let’s see the geekery!) and I loved not having to worry about plans and “what might happen”. It was very freeing for me as a player (who has ended up with a bunch of 5 dimension plotters as cast) and personally (who worries far too much). As a strange combo of gun bunny and esoteric I got to be in airsoft scenes and found that this is one of my new favorite things. Throwing a spell while being shot at made me feel accomplished in a (very) strange way. And for once I got to WORK on a puzzle, not just present it!

All that said, I’m not sure she’s going to be a good character to play in scenes at CoG- hotel games tend to be more thinky and talky and…not her thing. I’m concerned that I won’t have the fun I had with her last time and that would make me sad. Definitely up for Threads: Red, not as sure for Threads: Blue. And since I will have to miss the first game of next season (over Palm Sunday) I’m not sure what I should do for that.

Other LARP stuff: LoB II is coming up- still have to find out if folks can take the kid. I just found out that my folks are out of town that weekend, so I’ll have to try J’s. No idea what to look forward to in this- I’ll get to sing with J, but not in my comfort zone (sop. all the way for the part) but at least she’s not supposed to be clever. Need to find a white sweater to wear over my dress. On the downside- it seems that the director has tried to push rehearsal back as much as she can, but she still wants to start at 3pm. Game, in MD, goes til 2pm. Meaning we have to be late for reh or leave game early. ::sigh::
Also, I am running a 6-8 hour game at Relaxicon called “Epilogue”. I have hopes for it, but I definitely need more both plots and characters. However, I do have about 25 decently framed characters already which helps at this point.

Godspell: Can’t say too much, but we are 10 rehearsals out and people still aren’t at rehearsals all the time. I think we are getting rid of one of the middle schoolers who didn’t show up- that should be a help. Oct 9-11 at St. Matthew's Methodist near Valley Forge (I think it is technically Wayne). J is Jesus and has the hair to prove it.

Fitness: Trying to drop 20lbs (to get back into the low 140s) and get fit and healthy. One thing I have realized from keeping track of my food is that there are lots of days when I’m not getting anywhere near 1200 calories. This is not good. Plus my protein tends to be low. Working on that while doing some general exercise (not as much as I would like) and will start trying to get into a good exercise habit once I’ve established good eating habits.
Kid: is awesome. Nuff said.
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