ferrin i know what you're talking about. no one cares because it's the time where no one can care. cause caring always ends with someone getting hurt. and kids never realize that life is about ups and downs, not just the ups. a life with all ups is comparible to a life with all downs. too much of not caring, and being who you are because you're just trying to make your life enjoyable all the time, without ridges or bumps, leads to nothing. you build your whole life around this search for more self pleasure and joy, then you mask up how important it is to care about people. caring for a person is a lot of work, but unlike all these things we roam the surface looking for that can make our lives instantly better with no work, we get true down to earth happiness. and that's hard to find. it's more ballanced happiness, because you have to put work into it to gain it. So ferrin, that was a lot of shit that remarkably has been on my mind a lot, and i found this the best time to release it. I hope that it makes sense to you.-
it's not that im saying anyone can. It's that no one even strives for it, not even me; it's too much work, and having other people with different mind processes around clouds your motivation to even try.
dont buy into all that "there is no true happiness" bullshit. DONT do that, because when you find true happiness, you'll talk yourself out of it, thinking it never really happened, because you believe the only thing that exists is suffering. and that is no way to live.
Comments 7
sorry to be a negative nancy guys.
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