Ugh, it's so obnoxious when someone hogs equipment while not using it properly. In Bahrain, we had a mini-gym for parents with accompanying children (the main gym was nearby but in a different space), and there was one woman who would show up without any kids and walk on the single treadmill for like 25 minutes at 3 mph, then cool down for another 10 minutes at 1 mph. She was eventually shamed and reviled on FB, but not formally banished, because this was during the #metoo era.
Using equipment in an active-parent area is certainly wasteful on some level when not actively parenting, I agree- but even so I would say that > 4mph in 35 minutes is easily accomplishing more work than the lazybutt who was treating the leg curl machine like "training" for the arduous task of sitting in a recliner while browsing on one's phone.
Comments 2
Ugh, it's so obnoxious when someone hogs equipment while not using it properly. In Bahrain, we had a mini-gym for parents with accompanying children (the main gym was nearby but in a different space), and there was one woman who would show up without any kids and walk on the single treadmill for like 25 minutes at 3 mph, then cool down for another 10 minutes at 1 mph. She was eventually shamed and reviled on FB, but not formally banished, because this was during the #metoo era.
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