My second picspam for the
picspammy TV Tropes challenge. This time I went with
The Big Bad, and what better show to do this with than Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Seriously, this show has the most awesome villains, Joss Whedon is amazing.
WARNING: This is VERY VERY picture heavy, and there a few graphic images.
this might have spoilers if you haven't seen the entire series.
The Big Bad
A Big Bad is a character, usually a character with evil designs (though it may also be a situation, such as a comet heading towards the Earth), that is behind all of the other bad happenings. The Big Bad can (and often does) exert his effect across a number of episodes, and even an entire season.
S1. The Master
In Season One we're introduced to the first 'Big Bad', the first major villain: The Master. Played by Mark Metcalf, the Master is essentially a really old, really ugly vampire. He actually came the Sunnydale many years earlier, with the intentions to open the Hellmouth and release Hell on Earth. His plans, however, failed and instead there was an earthquake that leveled the town and buried him with it. Unfortunately for him this also left him trapped in a force field, unable to get out. With the help of his minions, the Master tries to fulfill a prophecy that predicts the Master escaping and leading an army of vampire to take over the world. When I first started watching Buffy, I was definitely scared of him, so I think they did their job in that aspect.
Master: You're dead.
Buffy: I may be dead, but I'm still pretty. Which is more than I can say for you.
The Master: You were destined to die! It was written!
Buffy: What can I say? I flunked the written.
S2. Spike, Drusilla, and Angelus
So, granted Angelus doesn't show up until toward the end of the season, but I still wanted to include him because I felt he played a big role in how the season ended. In School Hard we get our first glance at Spike and Drusilla, the vampire couple madly in love. Spike and Drusilla made their way to Sunnydale after Dru was weakened by an angry mod in Prague, hoping that the Hellmouth's energy can restore her. Yadda yadda yadda, Spike terrorizes Buffy, BOOM! In a moment of pure happiness (i can has sexy times pls?) Angel loses his soul and becomes Angelus again. Eventually he attempts to destroy the world by awakening the demon Acathla, but that goes horribly wrong and Buffy ends up killing him and sending him to hell to save the world. Tears were shed, it was very sad. I think this was one of my favorite seasons for a 'Big Bad', I loved the relationship between Spike and Dru, and I love how incredibly insane Drusilla is. In the end when Spike teams up with Buffy just so he can save Dru's life, it's precious. Too bad Dru had to go and break his heart.
Spike: Hurts, doesn't it?
Angelus: Well, you know, it kinda itches a little.
Spike: Don't just stand there. Burn him.
Angelus: Gee, maybe he's broken.
Spike: What the hell is going on?
Judge: This one ... cannot be burnt. He is clean.
Spike: Clean? You mean, he's ...
Judge: There's no humanity in him.
Angelus: I couldn't have said it better myself.
Drusilla: Angelus.
Angelus: Yeah, baby. I'm back.
Spike: No more of this 'I've got a soul' crap?
Angelus: What can I say, hmm? I was going through a phase.
Spike: You've really got a yen to hurt this girl, haven't you?
Angelus: She made me feel like a human being. That's not the kind of thing you just forgive.
S3. The Mayor
Giant Snake Monster. That's really all I have to say, idk.
Mayor Wilkins: Well, what a day this is! Special day. Today is our centennial, the one-hundredth anniversary of the founding of Sunnydale, and I know what that mean to all you kids: not a darn thing. Because today something much more important happens. Today you all graduate from high school. Today all the pain, all the work, all the excitement is finally over. And what's a hundred years of history compared to that? You know what, kids?
Buffy: Oh my God. He's going to do the entire speech.
Willow: Man, just ascend already.
Buffy: Evil!
Mayor Wilkins: ... for all of you it may be that there is a place in Sunnydale's history, whether you like it or not. It's been a long road getting here. For you. For Sunnydale. There was been achievement, joy, good times. And there has been grief. There's been loss. Some people who should be here today... aren't. But we are. Journeys end. And what is a journey? Is it just.. distance travelled? Time spent? No. It's what happens on the way, it's the things that shape you. At the end of the journey you're not the same. Today is about change. Graduation doesn't just mean your circumstances change, it means you do. You ascend... to a higher level. Nothing will ever be the same. Nothing.
Mayor Wilkins: It has begun. My destiny. It's a little sooner than I expected. I had this whole section on civic pride. But I guess we'll just skip to the big finish!
S4. Adam
The love child of Maggie Walsh and the Initiative, Adam is part human, part(s) demon, and part robot. When he first wakes up he stabs Maggie through the stomach with his stick arm-thingy. Continues on the kill and dissect a little boy, trying to figure out the way things work and his purpose in the earth.
Adam: I'm a kinematically redundant, bio-mechanical demonoid designed by Maggie Walsh. She called me Adam, and I called her Mother.
Dr. Angleman: Adam, Maggie would want you to stand down.
Adam: Yes, but I seem to have a design flaw. In addition to organic material, I'm equipped with GP2D11 infrared detectors, a harmonic decelerator, plus DC servo.
Buffy: She pieced you together from parts of other demons.
Adam: And man, and machine. Which tells me what I am but not "who" I am.
S5. Glorificus aka Glory
The God of a hell dimension where she ruled with two other deities. She pretty much became too power hungry and the other deities thought she might try to seize the dimension for herself, so they banished her to earth. Here, she had to share a body of a young boy named Ben. When Ben was in his early 20's, Glory was able to take control over Ben for short periods of time, becoming the self-centered, vain, blonde bombshell. Glory became aware of the Key, an old mystical energy created to work on a multi-dimensional level. She went on a quest for the Key in an attempt to return to her own dimension. The Key turned out to be Dawn, Buffy's sister who shows up out of nowhere at the end of Buffy vs Dracula. It's sort of a 'wtf just happened?' moment, lots of people were confused. So anyway, Glory wants to find the key, Glory find out Dawn is the Key, kidnaps Dawn and chaos ensues. In the end, Buffy defeats Glory and sacrifices herself to save Dawn.
Glory: Wait, I've always wanted to try this. You know that thing with worms, where if you have one and you rip it in half, you get two worms. Do you think that'll work with you? [Buffy headbutts her] Ow! You hit me. What are you crazy? You can't go around hitting people. What were you, born in a barn? Fine, be that way! [grabs Buffy by the throat] I just noticed something, you have superpowers, that is so cool. Can you fly? [throws Buffy across the room]
S6. The Trio
Made up of Warren, Jonathon and Andrew. Bumbling fools who actually manage to do some damage. They provided more entertainment than anything, they were always good for a laugh. During the season Jonathon and Andrew start questioning Warrens intentions, and in the end it is Warren who is the to go full-on evil. Gun in hand he originally intended to shoot and kill Buffy, but instead he ended up killing Tara. Which, incadentaly, leads us to the next big bad of season six.
Warren: What the hell is that?
Andrew: Death Star, dude! Wicked, huh?
Jonathan: Uh, thermal exhaust port's above the main port, numbnuts.
Andrew: For your information, I'm using the Empire's revised design from Return of the Jedi.
Jonathan: That's a flawed design!
S6. Dark Willow
With the death of her girlfriend Tara, Willow - a very powerful witch - went full on dark side. First out for revenge, then out to destroy the world. In the end, Xander was able to bring her back to her old self and save the world in the process.
Dark Willow: Is this the master plan? You're gonna stop me by telling me ya love me?
Xander: Well, I was going to walk you off a cliff and hand you an anvil, but, eh, it seemed kinda cartoony.
Xander: First day of kindergarten. You cried because you broke the yellow crayon, and you were too afraid to tell anyone. You've come pretty far, ending the world, not a terrific notion. But the thing is? Yeah. I love you. I loved crayon-breaky Willow and I love ... scary veiny Willow. So if I'm going out, it's here. If you wanna kill the world? Well, then start with me. I've earned that.
Willow: You think I won't?
Xander: It doesn't matter. I'll still love you.
Willow: Shut up!
S7. The First
The First actually makes it's first appearance in the season 3 episode Amends, but it didn't become a major player until the last season. Able to take on the form of any dead person, or in the case of Buffy anyone who has died, it was able to trick quite a few people before they figured out what was going on. The First especially loved torturing Spike, who after he got his soul back basically became insane. I know a lot of people don't like season seven, but I really liked the way it played out. The First was a perfect Big Bad, imo. Even though it was non-corporeal, it had a lot of people ready and willing to do it's bidding, and if they weren't it found a way to convince them/scare them into it.
The First (as Buffy): I envy them. Isn't that the strangest thing?
Caleb: Well, it does throw me just a tad. I mean, they're barely more than animals. Feedin' off each other's flesh, it's nauseatin'. But you, you're everywhere. You're in the hearts of little children. You're in the souls of the rich. You're the fire that makes people kill and hate. The fire that will cure the world of weakness. They're just sinners. You are sin.
The First (as Buffy): I do enjoy your sermons.
Caleb: And you're in me. Gave me strength no man can have.
The First (as Buffy): You're the only man strong enough to BE my vessel and I know you feel me, but... I know why they grab at each other. To feel. I want to feel. I want to wrap my hands around some innocent neck and feel it crack.
Caleb: Amen.
so yeah, I know I got kind of lazy toward the end. but honestly, this took me three and a half weeks to put together, and it's late and I just wanted to get this posted. the seventh season was definitely the hardest for me, it was hard figuring out when it was buffy and when it was the first as buffy, i haven't watched the seventh season in a while, haha.
so this is going to be the last post for a little bit, i'm leaving for vacation and a family reunion next thursday and not coming back until the 14th, then i have family staying at my house for a few weeks. so this is sort of a hiatus announcement.
please don't use these for graphics or anything, this seriously took me three and a half weeks to finish. if you post it on tumblr just link back to this post, please, it's not that hard.