Title: From a Cabin in the Middle of the Mountains
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Written for the sick!Frank challenge. Prompt: Frank is hiking alone in the mountains, and is caught in a sudden snowstorm, miles from anywhere. Gerard is alone in his mountain cabin (yeah, I know, just go with it) when he hears a faint scratching at his door...
Warnings: Swearing
Part One Part Two Part ThreePart Four Part FivePart Six Title: Across the Street
Fandom/Pairing: Panic! at the Disco (with a guest appearance by Gerard), Brendon/Ryan if you put on your reading glasses and squint.
Word Count: ~4,000
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I am a lying liar who lies.
Warnings: Swearing
Notes: So this lovely thing is one of the main reasons I abandoned my poor sick!Frank fic for so long. I needed to finish it for a contest, so here we go. In which Ryan enjoys coffee, shitty sitcoms and people-watching. Also, in which Brendon wears dorky glasses and paisley shirts, and Spencer is Ryan's irritable boss.
The coffee is absolutely horrible. Title: Mr. Snuggles (I apologize for this title, my friend requested that I name it thus)
Fandom/Pairing: Panic! at the Disco, implied Jon/Spencer
Word Count: 1,949
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I am a lying liar who lies.
Warnings: Swearing
Notes: So I asked my friend what I should write about and she told me I should write a story about Jon in a teddy bear store and thus, this thing was born. I tried to make it seem kind of natural and not totally weird but I'm not sure if I succeeded. But yeah anyway here it is.
The soft pattering of rain on the roof is one of Jon's favorite sounds.