know that you're absence did not go unnoticed. the LJ community misses you, steve. haha enough of the soft, girly shit. i promise i won't paste anything like that ever again.
Chaos Theory
November 16 2005, 05:45:12 UTC
Figured I would repost this here, considering that you did make an effort to be civil and I do appreciate that. (I do hope you note that he's continuing with that Chaos/Order nonsense, as if that's what the theory refers to. This does prove my point that interjecting any relevant information to the dialogue at hand would have been simply ignored in favor continued posturing and the spouting of uninformed and intellectually disinterested opinions. Of course, I'm thrilled to see that fat jokes and homophobic attacks are considered acceptable practice. Again, hardly the behavior of an empiricist
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Re: Chaos Theory
November 18 2005, 06:49:34 UTC
Not a problem. It's just crucial to remember here that we're dealing with a mathematical concept, not a philosophical one - although such things can, of course, have philosophical implications. Still, the conclusions assumed then opposed by Sean and the other commenters simply do not correspond with anything expressed by, or extrapolated from, the theory. Accordingly, I took strong issue with what was being expressed - entirely incorrect premises, sub-Sophistic dialogue, and a strong sense of self-validation by someone who had not made a very good impression on me. Death threats always make for an unpleasant introduction (as does using the word "cunt" while purporting to defend a woman
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Comments 9
haha if by the lj community you mean maybe 2 people
but anyway how are u doing dude.. haven't talked to you in a while.
and their shittastic overpricedness
battlefront 2 again soon?
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