Title: The Last of the Inuyoukai
Author: landofthekwt
Genre: Angst/Introspective
Prompt : Evolution
Rating: G
Warning: Character Death Feudal Tales Week 15 Prompt 3
Word Count:445
Summary: Sesshoumaru contemplates his status as the last inuyoukai
Once they had been a proud people with an empire that stretched the entire length of Japan. They had ruled youkai and human alike. with an iron hand. None dared to challenge them. Time and change had swept it all away long ago.
His father had been the last Leader of the Dogs. Sesshoumaru had never seen fit to take up that mantle. He had felt that his father had defiled the title by deigning to love a mortal who bore him that abomination called Inuyasha.
His father had died for that sin and with it died his empire. After he died the pretenders had squabbled over his bones. But not Sesshoumaru. He wanted only his sword. While Sesshoumaru pursued the sword the Western Lands fell to the humans and the blood of the inuyoukai flowed in constant internecine wars.
When Sesshoumaru finally became a tai-youkai in his own right and obtained Bakusaiga he found that he no longer craved power. The only person he craved the affection of was Rin. Forsaking the needs of his kin he took Rin as his mate.
He was the last inyoukai. The rest of the immortals had all faded on the wind. Killed by the humans, their bombs or their pollution. The humans had destroyed all of the natural places from which the inuyoukai drew their magic.
The hanyous had been the next to go. Long lived but not quite immortal. As an immortal Sesshoumaru had to see his own hanyou children and his brother die one by one until they were all gone. Their descendants now carried almost no youkai within them after twenty generations. His brother had died only recently and Sesshoumaru had buried him in the Western Shiro next to Rin.
Before Rin he had never considered taking a youkai mate.just to perpetuate the species. After Rin he could not look at anyone at all. The pain of Rin’s passing had been too much for him. Never would he open his heart to another just to have it broken by their death.
And so he sat in the Western Shiro, the last of the inuyoukai. Surrounded by a sea of humanity. His descendants were now no different than of the other one hundred fifty million people of Japan. His race had died and humanity had taken its place. The people that he thought no more than insects had come to rule Japan.
The rest of his kin had given up. Even his mother had accepted oblivion. But Sesshoumaru had always been stubborn. He would show the humans that they could never conquer this Seshoumaru. Someday, the humans would again know the superiority and invincibility of the inuyouaki.