I haven't been around much lately, but the first thing I saw:
softobsidian74 tagged me (again), so here it is:
1. What song are you currently addicted to? '
Der Arzt' by Tanzwut, a German medieval rock band.
2. What books are you currently reading? For the last three days I've read my analysis-script and 'Stochastics for Beginners'. Otherwise I'm reading 'The Book Thief' by Markus Zusak, in English, of course. All these German words within the text confuse the hell out of me.
3. What's the funniest thing you've done today? Studied? Had lunch? Take your pick... *sigh* I'm so boring.
4. Zombies or Robots? Yay for Zombies!
5. Sweet or Salty? Both, but not at once.
6. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction? HP and In Extremo!
7. Cake or Death? Cake for me, Death for the others ;) (Yeah, I'm not much of a humanitarian).
8. What websites do you always visit when you go online? LJ, Google (+ news), Dramione.org, Facebook
9. What was the last thing you bought? Coffee for my machine
10. Which fictional character do you think you're most like? Uh, Tonks I think. I do have the inability to behave, too *ahem*. She gives a damn about social standards or otherwise she and Lupin wouldn't have been together and she's obviously a very tolerant person. Oh, and I like to trip over everything, too.
11. If you could only listen to one band or singer for the rest of your life, who would it be? In Extremo.
12. What do you do to change your mood? Talk to my friends, listen to music, go for a walk, preferably in the woods.
13. What was the last meal you ate? Toast with Nutella.
14. Do you want to learn another language? Uh, apart from learning English I'd love to learn Polish. But I'm pretty much a dork when it comes to foreign languages.
15. Five things you can't live without:
- My family (includes my cat)
- Music (includes my IPod)
- My friends
- Health
- Peace (yes, I know how that sounds...)
16. Fondest memory? Uh, it's late here (2 am) and in my freaked out state of mind I can't think of anything. Perhaps I'll edit it tomorrow.
17. What's something you'd like to say to someone right now? I'd like to back in time for at least a week and kick myself in the arse and lecture myself as to why it is a bad idea to try and learn the whole math stuff in three days. Really, just a slightly bad idea...
18. What are you looking forward to? getting this exam done tomorrow (with whichever outcome), all the free time in the next week, the festival I'll be attending on the first weekend in May.