Title: First Kiss: A Man
Genre: Humour
Characters: Charlie Weasley, Rosalind Bungs, Sirius Black, Bill Weasley, others mentioned
Rating: PG, for implied
Word Count: 1316 words
Summary: Charlie finds himself attacked by ladies (and more) when he gets his tattoo.
Author's Notes: Written for the First Kiss Series.
Sirius walked with a purpose. He strode up the stairs and stopped in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady. He told her the password and she swung forward to admit him. He crawled through the portrait hole and grinned when he saw the object of his intent sitting drowsily in front of the fire. He walked up to her and sat down on a couch near her. Rosalind looked up at Sirius. Sirius smiled at her. "I need your...assistance."
Bill peeled the bandages off Charlie's back slowly. His younger brother did not flinch, which Bill took as a good sign. Bill was quite amused at his brother's choice of profession. He and Charlie had told their Mum what they intended to do after Hogwarts at the same time. Bill was going to go to Egypt and Charlie was going to work at a dragon sanctuary. Suffice to say, their Mum had not been pleased. She had been even less pleased when Charlie came back with his torso all bandaged up after an excursion into Diagon Alley. She had called Bill a bad influence, considering he had gotten his ear pierced not too long ago.
"There," Bill declared as the last of the bandages came off.
"How is it?" Charlie asked.
"It's excellent," Bill replied. Charlie's dragon tattoo stretched its wings and opened its mouth as if to yawn. It moved upwards and placed its head on Charlie's shoulder. Charlie caught a bit of it and grinned. He stood up and walked over to the full-length mirror in the corner. He inspected his back as best he could and decided that he was all healed now. "And now, girls shall flock to you begging to see your new friend," Bill grinned.
"I'm sure it isn't like that," Charlie ruffled his hair sheepishly.
"Charlie," Bill pointed at his earring. "This tiny little piercing made girls attack me in the hallways. Imagine what a dragon's going to do to the female populace."
Charlie shrugged his shirt back on. "Well, no one's going to know about it, so I guess I'll be safe."
"CHARLIE! CAN WE SEE IT? CAN WE SEE IT?" Lavender and Parvati were hopping up and down in agitation when he came down the stairs with Bill the next morning.
"Your dragon!" Lavender giggled.
"Eh...what dragon?" Charlie said, walking away slowly.
"You know very well what dragon!" Parvati declared.
"Do you mean my dragon socks? I'm not wearing them today," he replied. Bill chuckled behind him.
"Your tattoo!" Lavender finally said.
"What tattoo? I don't have a tattoo. Needles scare me," he answered as he and Bill scuttled through the portrait hole quickly.
"Told you so," Bill grinned.
"Two girls, what's the..."
Charlie almost dove into the Common Room right after classes finished. All sorts of womenfolk had been screaming his name the entire day, asking to see his dragon tattoo. No such thing as a secret in these halls, he thought. Charlie walked over to the couch near the fireplace and sat down, heaving a sigh.
"Difficult day?"
Charlie turned to see Sirius reading a book on Advanced Charms. "Yeah," Charlie grinned. "Sort of. I don't see what the big deal is. It's just a little ink."
Sirius closed his book and grinned at Charlie. "So you have gotten one, then?"
"Well, yeah."
Sirius leaned closer to Charlie. "I must admit I'm a little curious as well."
Charlie laughed nervously. "Come off it, Sirius."
"Do I look like I'm joking?"
"But--you're...a guy."
Sirius had to laugh loudly at Charlie's naivety. "You must know that is not exactly a hindrance."
Charlie tried not to twitch. He was very confused as to whether Sirius was...well, serious or not. "Uhm."
Mercifully, Charlie was saved from having to create a real answer by someone entering the Common Room. Both Sirius and Charlie looked up to see Rosalind, Lily and Lily Luna come in. They were talking in low voices, laughing at something. The trio looked up to see Charlie and Sirius on the couch. Rosalind laughed. "Have we interrupted something?"
"No," Charlie replied - a little too quickly. Sirius grinned at his once-sort-of-girlfriend-but-not-really.
Rosalind smiled at Sirius, crossing her arms in mock anger. "Sirius, are you up to your old tricks again? Stop harrassing the boy."
"I'm not harrassing him, darling," he said innocently, spreading his arms.
"But you were up to your old tricks?" Lily teased.
Sirius answered her with another smile. Lily and Lily Luna laughed. "Stop teasing my Uncle," Lily Luna scolded lightly. "Play nice, Siri."
"Yes, do play nice, Siri," Rosalind said as stood behind Charlie and ran her fingers through his hair. Charlie suddenly felt like he was the only one not quite getting the joke. Rosalind tugged at the collar of his shirt. "But I do want to see it, Charlie. Is it possible to get a private viewing?" she teased.
"Err," Charlie cleared his throat. "Sure."
"Now that's not fair," Sirius crossed his arms and looked at Charlie.
"Now, now, don't pout, Sirius," Rosalind said, putting her arms around Charlie. "It doesn't become you."
Rosalind smiled at Sirius and shrugged. Sirius tried to keep the smug grin off his face.
"What do mean you've never had a girlfriend?" Rosalind asked as sat the foot of Charlie's bed.
"I've never had a girlfriend," Charlie repeated.
"Surely you must have some experience in the field," Rosalind stared at him.
Charlie laughed and shook his head. He began to unbutton his shirt. "No, you're thinking of Bill."
"Charlie Weasley, you've never kissed anyone? Don't lie!" she declared.
"I'm not lying," Charlie replied, shrugging his shirt off and turning around to give Rosalind a clear view of the dragon.
"She's beautiful," Rosalind whispered, sounding much closer than she was five seconds ago. Before Charlie could form any rational thought regarding how close she was, her fingers were tangled in his hair and they were half-walking, half-stumbling towards Charlie's bed.
Rosalind walked down the stairs leading from the girls' dormitories. She found Sirius sitting on a couch, grinning stupidly to himself. Rosalind smiled and walked over to him. "You looked like you enjoyed yourself."
Sirius looked up at her. "I did, thank you."
"What do you mean, 'thank you'? Pay up," she extended a hand.
Sirius rolled his eyes and dropped three galleons in her palm. "Between you and the Weasley twins, I'm going to go bankrupt."
"If you didn't spend your galleons on such frivolous excursions..." Rosalind teased.
"I still say the boy was worth it," Sirius grinned. "...though three galleons for some strands of hair is still very pricey, woman."
"Ooh," Rosalind pressed her forefinger against her lips as she pocketed the money with her other hand. "That makes me curious now. And it is not, my hair is my treasure and you made me yank out several strands."
"They came off your brush."
Rosalind was just about to reply when Charlie came down the stairs. He sort of paused at the bottom, looking at Rosalind. He honestly didn't know what to do now. He had expected to wake up and find her still there, probably would've made the morning after a little easier, but her side had been empty. Rosalind tried not to giggle and offered her cheek to Charlie silently. He came forward to kiss it. She linked her fingers in his.
"Good morning. Would you like to go down to breakfast together?" Charlie asked, blushing a little.
"I would," Rosalind nodded as Charlie led her away. She turned to Sirius and mouthed: 'Mmm. Thank you.'
Sirius shrugged as Charlie and Rosalind left the room. He still had some strands of the girl's hair and not to mention a few more vials of Fred and George's Polyjuice Potion. There would be more frivolous excursions with Charlie yet.