Title: Potions Time with Amycus Carrow
Genre: General, Humor
Characters: Amycus Carrow, Alecto Carrow
Rating: GP
Word Count: 275 words
Summary: It was Amycus Carrow in the library with the Confusing Concoction
Author's Notes: Written for the Potions O.W.L.s on
lumos_owls, a seasonal subsidary of
lumos_main. Prompts were Amycus Carrow and Confusing Concoction.
Amycus sat in his room. His parents had just gotten him once of those potion sets for kids. He could make a few simple potions with rather straightforward, boring effects. As he pored the list, he decided to just sneak over to the library and use one of his father’s potions books. Perhaps he could find something interesting to make in there. Amycus picked his potions set up and silently made his way to their library.
Seated in the middle of the library, Amycus read over the list of potions and their ingredients. He finally decided on something called a Confusing Concoction. The ingredients were all in his kit except hellebore but that he could steal some from the kitchen. The potion sounded pretty interesting and it was something he could use on Alecto. Amycus grinned to himself.
Three hours later, Amycus was sweating profusely. He stirred the green potion twice clockwise then once counter-clockwise. The potion turned a little translucent. Amycus picked up the hellebore and was just about to add it in when he heard Alecto’s screaming. He hurried to drop the hellebore in so he could test his potion. There was a loud bang and a cloud of smoke erupted from the small cauldron.
Alecto popped her head into the library. “Amycus?”
Amycus found himself on his back and on the floor. He sat up. “Huh?”
“Do you know where mother is?”
“How about father?”
Alecto rolled her eyes. “Oh, never mind then!” she snapped as she left the room. Amycus was always so useless. It was like he was on a permanent dosage of a Confusing Concoction or something.