Title: No One Understands
Genre: Romance
Characters: Daphne Greengrass, Evan Rosier mentioned.
Rating: PG, some swearing
Word Count: 378 words
Summary: Daphne is reflecting on life with Evan.
Author's Notes: A response, possibly the sequel to
this. Written for my dear
xxjinxxx, whose awesome Evan fuels my Daphne!muse.
Finally, she's gone. Will it ever end? This nonsensical barrage of family members coming over to tell me to repent? Astoria and I used to be such friends, yet she's become one of them. Father, Mother, Astoria, Father, Mother, Astoria, Liam, Father, Astoria, Heloise, Father, Astoria. Mother stopped coming because I upset her far too much. Merlin, I wish they'd all just...what? Die? Disappear? No, of course not. I couldn't live if they disappeared. Accepted it. Yes, I wish they'd just accept it. Still, they cannot. Because he's killed and he's done bad things. Because he likes to watch people die. Because he's crazy. I must be crazy, too.
They just don't understand. Well, I don't expect them to understand. Evan and I? No one understands it. Evan's friends -- if you could call them that -- well, colleagues, at least, they don't understand me. I'm not hard to understand. In fact, I see myself in Lucius' wife. What was her name? It was a flower. Right. Narcissa. Narcissa and I aren't much different. We don't support the Dark Lord, we support our husbands. Well, she has a husband. I have...an Evan. And that's enough.
Merlin, I'm tired. Who changed the sheets? Oh, that's right. I did. I'm tired. The clean sheets smell so nice. But, no, I have to stay awake for Evan. He'll be home soon and he'll need a bath. He always needs a bath. Maybe I should run half the bath now and just warm the water when he's here. That way, he doesn't have to wait long. Maybe I'll join him tonight. Depends. Maybe he won't want me to join him.
Astoria really messed with my schedule. I'm supposed to...oh, fuck. I hear his footsteps now. The bath isn't ready. The food isn't ready. I'm not ready. Where is my nightgown? In the bedroom. I can hear him. He's in the bedroom. Oh, well. I can distract him for a while until everything else is prepared. I hope Gleb remembers to send the food in.
"Good evening, Evan. I'm sorry I didn't--"
No one understands Evan and I. But that's all right. In his arms, nothing else matters. There is no Dark Lord, there is no war, there is just us.