First Kiss Series - Tonks

Sep 20, 2008 01:31

Title: First Kiss: The Gift
Genre: General
Characters: Nymphadora Tonks, Charlie Weasley, others mentioned
Rating: GP
Word Count: 491 words
Summary: Tonks has always loved Christmas, but she learns of a new reason to love the holiday.
Author's Notes: Written as part of the First Kiss Series.

Nymphadora Tonks loved Christmastime.

There was something about the snow and the frost that excited her. There was the anticipation of receiving presents and the thrill of giving them. Most of all, there was just a general feel of joy and celebration during the holiday season. It was a general guideline that all students at Hogwarts were to stay at school over the holidays. A handful decided to go home, but generally, the entire population stayed.

A Hogsmeade visit had been scheduled the week before the actual holiday. Tonks had decided to use this visit as a chance to buy presents for all her friends. Alice and Jasper, especially, had been awesome. And, of course, she supposed she would get Ciaran something as well. A little shiver that had nothing to do with the cold ran down Tonks' back. Yeah, she fancied Ciaran, but the boy was pursuing the Ravenclaw Princess. Tonks wasn't about to compete with that. Oh, and she would probably get Esmeralda and Selene something. And for her Mum and Dad, of course, though they weren't quite aware they were her parents yet. She'd also buy her real parents some gifts and send them through Owl Post. Making the list in her head, Tonks walked down the street to stop by Madam Rosmerta's first.

She pushed the door and immediately spotted Alice sitting at a table with a slew of Gryffindors. She smiled and caught Alice's eye. They waved at each other briefly before Alice's attention was recaptured by her boyfriend Frank Longbottom. Tonks grinned at the sight of Alice, completely lovestruck.

Someone entered the bar behind her and she moved out of the way of traffic. She recognized them as a bunch of Ravenclaws. She stood to the side a moment, looking around for either an empty seat or something she could sit with. As she was craning her head, someone tapped her shoulder.

She turned. "Wotcher, Charlie?" she grinned. Charlie Weasley was a Gryffindor and they were distantly related in some way or the other, she supposed.

"Happy Christmas," Charlie said as means of preamble for a swift kiss. Tonks jumped back a little in surprise, though the experience wasn't thoroughly unpleasant. Charlie pointed up. Tonks followed the direction his finger was pointing and saw that she was standing under a sprig of mistletoe.

"Oi, Charlie! Hurry up!" Charlie and Tonks both looked in the direction of the voice. Bill, Charlie's older brother, stood at the doors of the bar and gestured for his brother to come. "If you want those dragon socks, we'd better hurry."

"Yeah," Charlie nodded. He looked at Tonks. "See you at the castle, then," he smiled before he hurried to follow Bill out the door.

Tonks moved out of the way of the mistletoe, though her eyes were glued to the door. Her hand went up to touch her lips unconsciously. She smiled softly.

Oh yeah, Nymphadora Tonks loved Christmastime.

nymphadora tonks, founders-compliant, charlie weasley

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