Title: First Kiss: Evergreen
Genre: General
Characters: Myrtle, Atia Harris, Cho Chang, Helena Ravenclaw, Sirius Black
Rating: GP
Word Count: 628 words
Summary: Myrtle loses her objectivity.
Author's Notes: Written as part of the First Kiss Series.
Spring was here. The last bit of snow had finally melted away and the birds had come out to sing once more. The weather had begun to warm and it was beginning to look like a perfect spring. The first Saturday of Spring was a perfect time to take a stroll along the grounds of Hogwarts. In fact, four Ravenclaw girls were found to be doing just exactly that.
Atia, Cho, Helena and Myrtle walked slowly along the courtyard, amusing themselves with the end of the cold winter. Atia was the first to take her shoes off and just plop onto the grass. Cho and Myrtle followed suit, while Helena took her time in casting a stain-repelling spell on her clothes. "Don't you just love spring?" Atia declared, stretching her arms wide.
Cho giggled. "It's the season of love," she teased, looking at Atia.
Atia glared at her. "Are you all still on that? I told you. Louis. And. I. Are. Just. Friends. FRIENDS," she explained.
"Yeah, friends that steal away in the middle of a group conversation," Myrtle grinned.
A telltale blush appeared on Atia's face. "It was just that one time! And we were all drunk from Malfoy's Firewhiskey!" she declared.
"Oh, please, you had two sips. Princess here was far more drunk than you," Myrtle waved a hand dismissively.
Cho blurted out a loud laugh as Helena hit Myrtle's shoulder.
"OW!" Myrtle yelped. "I wonder what Albus sees in you, you Amazon."
"Shut it, Myrtle!" Helena snapped, a blush creeping onto her own face.
"Oh, face it, Helena," Cho said, giggling. "You and Albus were lost in your own little world."
"And you disappeared a little after because loverboy knocked on the door," Helena retorted. "One would think he could, at least, manage to get past the doorknocker."
It was Cho's turn to turn pink. "It wasn't like that! He just returned some notes he had borrowed."
"Yeah, at one in the morning," Atia chimed in, laughing.
"Oh, come on, just admit it, all three of you," Myrtle shrugged. "You all get stupid when your respective boyfriends start kissing you."
"He's not my boyfriend!" all three declared at the same time.
"Atia," Myrtle began, turning to each girl as she addressed them. "You and Louis are always running off somewhere. The two of you aren't exactly the masters of stealth, you know. Cho, you can't stop talking about the Amazing Cedric Diggory, so we all know what's going on there. And Princess, you and Albus are pathetically in love with each other. Why neither of you can admit it is beyond anyone's comprehension."
"You only say that because you've never been kissed," Cho accused.
"Exactly," Myrtle raised a finger. "That's why I can keep a straight head and stay objective. I've never been kissed."
"What? No one's ever kissed you? You poor thing," a fifth voice suddenly interrupted. A fifth face appeared in between Helena's and Myrtle's. Helena staggered back as the intruder promptly turned around and gave Myrtle a kiss.
"There," Sirius Black grinned. "You have been kissed." He straightened up and brushed the grass off his knees. "I'll see you around, girls."
And with that, he turned around and walked away.
"Well?" Atia prompted.
Myrtle made a face. "I understand why none of you want to talk about it. Yech."
The other three laughed. Helena stood up. "Shall we get going, then? Before someone else suddenly attacks our poor Myrtle?"
Atia and Cho laughed as they got up and made their way back to the castle. Myrtle took her time and followed at a safe distance behind. When she was sure no one was paying any attention to her, she pressed a hand over her rapidly beating heart. Damn that Sirius Black.