Title: Never (
27. Ad kalendas Graecas)
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Bellatrix Black; mentioned: Rodolphus Lestrange, Narcissa Black (possibly -Malfoy)
Rating: G
Word Count: 391 words
Summary: Bella remembers telling Narcissa about never.
Author's Notes: Fic #30. I am done with my Multiple Pairings Prompt Table. It's NaNo Time!:D
Never. That's what she had told Narcissa. Never.
Bellatrix looked at her reflection in the mirror as she started pulling the pins out of her hair, letting her dark locks fall around her face. She had told Narcissa in plain terms that she would not marry. Moreover, if she did decide to, it was unlikely to be for love. Though if it was, it would have to be a man she respected. It would have to be a man whom she could trust with her life, a man she could look up to, a man who could compliment her strength with their own.
Never. That's what she had told Narcissa. Never.
She looked at the man reflected in the mirror as she tossed the final pin in with the others. She touched the side of her face before running her fingers through her hair. He came up behind her, though she watched him in the mirror. He touched her bare shoulders, before running his hands down her arms and warming her. She stood up and let him kiss her. Rodolphus Lestrange was far from her so-called ideal man, but Merlin be damned, she had fallen in love.
Never. That's what she had told Narcissa. Never.
Bellatrix screamed profanities along with her husband's name as she felt another contraction. She pushed like the mediwizard coaxed her to, but it did not seem like the child wanted to leave her belly. She hurled curses at Rodolphus, who was holding her hand. The mediwizard announced that the first was out! Thank Merlin. Wait. The first one? Bella screamed again as she was informed there were twins. Two of them.
Never. That's what she had told Narcissa. Never.
She had told Narcissa that she was not made for the domestic life. She was not the kind who would be happy in marriage and children. She was a free spirit, who liked to be out there and in the middle of action. She desired thrill and adventure, not romance and diapers. Still, she was here, on her bed, happily watching her two children learn to crawl. She was excited at the prospect of her husband coming home within the next hour. She looked forward to sharing dinner with him and to feeding the twins later.
Never. That's what she had told Narcissa. As if.