On the first day of Christmas, my Jackie gave to me my fav'rite OTP...
Title: Showing
Genre: Fluff; Romance
Characters: Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy
Rating: GP
Word Count: 550 words
Summary: Narcissa wants a son.
Author's Notes: Posted late. This is Day One of my Twelve Days of Christmas Series. Prompts are still needed. Cross-posted at
Narcissa beamed happily at the reflection in the mirror. She pressed the lower half of her negligee down and bit her lower lip in glee. Bella had said there would be nothing to see until her third month at least. And considering it was her first pregnancy, most likely even later. Still, she knew there was the tiniest of bumps on what had been a perfectly flat belly. She stood there for a few minutes, looking at the little bulge.
"What are you doing?" Lucius asked, raising an eyebrow as he removed he entered their bedroom.
Narcissa tilted her head to the other side gently, her eyes flicking up to her husband's reflection before returning her attention to her baby. "Looking at our baby," she answered.
Lucius smiled and approached her, hugging his wife from behind. He kissed her cheek and laid his head on top of her hair, breathing in the smell of her shampoo. He laid his hands silently over her belly, not bothering to tell her that there was nothing to look at. If she wanted to look, he wouldn't stop her from doing whatever she wanted. Whatever made her happy.
"Lucius," Narcissa walked into her husband's study. Lucius looked up from the letter he was writing and smiled at his barefooted wife. The smile fled from his face when he noticed she was wringing her hands.
"What's wrong?"
"Three months," she whispered, coming closer. She perched on the edge of his desk. "I'm still not showing."
Lucius laid his chin on Narcissa's knee and looked up at her. "Bella said you wouldn't start showing until you're far along."
"Bella couldn't walk a straight line by the time she was in her second trimester," Narcissa said, touching the top of Lucius' head.
"She was carrying twins," Lucius reminded his wife gently.
"I want to give you a son," Narcissa whispered.
There was a little pang in his chest. "And you will," he reassured her, touching the small mound gently. It was there, he could tell now. Tiny, small, but it was there. He stood up and took Narcissa in his arms. "We're having a son," he whispered and kissed her. They had both started a mental countdown of the days. June. June. June.
Narcissa looked in the mirror and smiled again. Her belly was now very, very obvious and she loved being asked about it.
When are you due? June.
Is it a boy? Yes.
What will you name him? Draco.
Do you want him to look like you or Lucius? Lucius. I definitely want him to look like Lucius.
You must be very happy. Yes, yes, I am.
"You've been looking at him every single day for the last month," Lucius complained as he rolled over in bed and found his wife's side empty.
"I'm excited," Narcissa answered, rubbing her belly gently.
"Well, I'm jealous," Lucius teased.
Narcissa giggled softly as she walked towards the bed. Lucius watched her with a smile, revelling - as always - at how beautiful she was. She stood beside the bed and bent down to crawl back in beside him when she gave a small yelp.
"Lucius," she said with a face that was surprised, happy and worried all at the same time. "My water just broke."