poetic_depths PAIRING: Rostislav Lestrange/Magenta Comstock
1. Alternate Universe
"A Mister Lestrange to see you, Lady Comstock."
2. Crack!Fic
Paintbrushes danced to the melody of Clair de Lune.
3. Angst
"I sometimes think you love the pet more than me."
4. Fluff
She would wait.
5. Crossover
Isaac Mendez ain't got nothing on these two.
6. Dark
He'd come to take her, but time got there first.
7. UST (Unresolved Sexual Tension)
She was a proper lady and observed tradition.
8. Time Travel
As he boarded the train, he knew: soon.
9. Hurt
Time had felt short, but she was at peace now.
10. Future Fic
He kissed Aunt Marishka, who tried not to cringe.