'cos we're all a bunch of liars

Jan 13, 2009 17:22

people have to stop dumping their problems on me. social problems, emotional problems, whatever - they all have nothing to do with me! and please tell the difference between telling someone about your problems, and DUMPING your problems on someone.

i only wish i had the courage to tell some people off. whatever that person did to you is not my fault. do i look like that person to you? apparently so that you have to treat me as a substitute and start scolding me D:

and while i understand that they can get emotional about something (bad) that happened, it doesn't mean they can put (DUMP) it all on me. my days are bad enough and i don't need any of them to make it worse!

i'm not exactly infuriated right now, i'm just... just stressed.

i need to get away from all this. i know running away from problems isn't a good solution - but fuck that, these aren't MY problems.

someone owes me an outing to far east and peninsula. where i can get my band merch. and rest in peace.

yes, rest in peace...

PS. i hate wearing earsticks because they're so sloppy and i'm afraid they might come out easily and they're just not so niceeee.

PPS. armor for sleep is a fucking awesome band.

stfu, get out of my face, tell me baby who do you wanna be, oh no, i don't love you like i did yesterday, how shall i put this, bravenewworld better have a good ending, 'dump' is the word of the day, argh

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