Apr 27, 2010 09:42

Blood on the floor is considered a part of the floor
Your customers never say "the customer is always right."
You realize all your coworkers are annoying, but for some weird reason you keep socializing with them.
You're pretty sure Zombie and Eyepatch have broken up at least a dozen times.
You still wonder why they deny it.
Then you realize the thought of them dating is disastrous and you need bleach for your brain.
You wonder what's behind Eyepatch's eyepatch, but hear rumors of how he lost his eye.
One of the rumors happens to involve Zombie stabbing him in the eye.
Then the other deals with skull-fucking.
You call Apostle the new guy no matter what.
You have to learn to smoke and piss at the same time.
When Zombie stabs his palm, it's not a big deal.
When your coworkers carry guns around.
When your boss threatens you extreme bodily harm in a monotone voice.
When there are no customers, you play hangman on the journals.
When insults are considered compliments to you.
You wonder what the boss before yours was like.
You wonder why Eyepatch gets all the special privileges.
Then you soon realize Zombie probably gets something out of it.
You then cry because you just pictured your boss doing something sexual.
When you see bloody writing on the journals, you probably assume you'll have time off soon.
You wonder why the customers keep coming back.
You wonder how this place even functions.
The worst punishment is mopping the blood up.
Whining never works.
When people say you hangout with the wrong crowd.
You somehow find yourself doing ridiculous dares when your boss is away.
One of those dares has involved asking Zombie something he could probably hurt you for.
You eat the best meat in the Sphere.
You think all your coworkers are in the closet.
Your boss names their dog "Dog" of all things.
Eyepatch has talked you into doing something stupid.
You have talked Eyepatch into doing something stupid.
None of your coworkers are women.
Your boss randomly says deep, depressing one liners out of nowhere.
When you start to think that maybe he has feelings, he glares at you.
You have seen your boss rip a spine out of an animal corpse.
Your roommate is male, not to mention you guys spend too much time together.
You think about quitting a lot, but then you start thinking about what your boss would do if you did.
Curse words are needed in your daily conversations.
You wonder if your boss is reading your comments on the journals.
Your boss insults your clothing even when he looks stupid.
You wonder why Zombie's hair is still white after everything.
Eyepatch has told you some crazy theory as to why.
You believed it for at least thirty seconds before cursing at him.
You wonder what dinner with Eyepatch and Zombie is like.
Eyepatch yet again tells a dramatic story which is full of bullshit.
Zombie has told you at least once to stop being stupid.
You consider yourself somehow special for working at the Butcher's.

meat meat meat, for the lol, ficlet, ooc, i ship it, mai waifu

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