Witches of Eastwick

Oct 02, 2009 13:36

The Witches of Eastwick

Movie Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
In Brief: This was a childhood favorite, and it has only gotten better as I have gotten older.
minerva_fan Says: "Women, were they a mistake? Or Did they do it to us on purpose?!" Her favorite line from the movie - she came home before we had ever watched the movie and reported that she had been walking around work quoting that line all day. When we actually watched the scene I thought she was going to fall out of her chair she was laughing so hard...

Amazon Synopsis: The "witches" are three modern-day women yearning for Mr. Right in a quaint New England town full of Mr. Uptights. Played glowingly by Cher (Moonstruck), Susan Sarandon (Lorenzo's Oil) and Michelle Pfeiffer (The Age of Innocence), they're lovely enough to tempt even the most jaded netherworld denizen. Soon, wealthy Daryl van Horne (Nicholson) arrives. Is his sudden appearance a coincidence? Or the outcome of the women's unconscious sorcery?

My Synopsis: Witches of Eastwick is a delight.

As a child I loved this movie, I had to watch it at least four times a year... but I hadn't seen it in years and I was a bit afraid that as happens with so many beloved childhood favorites my more mature eyes wouldn't be able to translate the wonder I had seen as a child. I needn't have worried. If anything, my love for this show has deepened with time and maturity.

I suddenly saw Uptight Felecia in a while new light - something of a modern Cassandra.
I found that what I had perceived as Suki's cloying sweetness when I was younger, now seemed like a genuine gentleness of spirit - something I have only recently learned to appreciate.

All three women shine in their roles and who else to play the devil but Jack Nickelson? Who perfectly falls into the description of Suki's dream man "Handsome, but not too handsome."

--->Warning Here There Be Spoilers<--

Some of my favorite moments included:

The bedroom scene when he comes into find them all stretched out on his bed -ok I'm a dyke, once in a while I'm allowed. ;)

The speech when he seduces Alex, and the Speech when he seduces Janey... He perfectly captured my feelings on both health and housework.

I thought the seduction of Jane was the hottest of the 3 - literally.

Those of you who followed my recent bra saga will understand why, but I couldn't help but laugh at the scene when Jane is in the grocery and one of the women comments on her lack of a bra. Suddenly that whole scenario fell into perspective for me.

--->End Spoilers<---

I highly recommend this movie for: Fans of any of actresses, or old Jack, those who enjoy movies with a witchy theme (I didn't even see anything I found offensive as a pagan.), fans of beautiful women, fans of Desperate Housewives.

Eastwick is a fun little flick that's absolutely perfect when you're looking for a chick flick with a supernatural twist.

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