Week 308:
margyydoodleWeek 312:
margyydoodleWeek 317:
vai_rinWeek 320:
vai_rinWeek 321:
eve_spardaWeek 322:
nagashiwaWeek 323:
vai_rinWeek 324:
eve_spardaWeek 325:
nagashiwaWeek 326:
vai_rinWeek 327:
eve_spardaWeek 328:
nagashiwaWeek 329:
vai_rinWeek 330:
eve_spardaWeek 331:
nagashiwaWeek 332:
vai_rinWeek 333:
jellyfishmisakiWeek 334:
eve_spardaWeek 335:
nagashiwaWeek 336:
jellyfishmisaki •
Backlog/Free For All Anyone can try their hand at banners for the backlog -- take a whole week or just second place, simply reply to the comment with your made banner!
Active Bannermakers, if you are unable to make banners for your assigned weeks, please notify me as soon as possible!
Reminder that banners should:
• Be sized 300x100 pixels
• Include the winner's icon, username, & placement; the community username and the week number (theme is optional but encouraged)
• Match the icon in some way
Active Bannermakers
eve_sparda --
margyydoodle •
Week 301: Lyrical - "A Thousand Miles"•
Week 308: Couples•
Week 312: Icon Remakesnagashiwa •
Week 335: Resource - Summer's Endvai_rin •
Week 317: Lyrical - "Rolling In The Deep"•
Week 320: Monotone•
Week 323: Resource - Neon Lights•
Week 326: Image - Dead Fantasy•
Week 329: Lyrical - "Wonderwall"•
Week 332: Movie Titlesjellyfishmisaki • Week 336: Free For All
anniereckless owes banners for:
vai_rin -
Week 310: Image - Deaths•
eve_sparda -
Week 318: Image - KH2 Opening•
eve_sparda -
Week 327: Resource - Stamps Also, we are ALWAYS looking for more bannermakers! If you are interested, please comment this post with three or more samples; if you don't have any examples, just make a few banners for the backlog! This is a long-term commitment, so definitely make sure you have the time. In other words, don't sign up just to drop out, and please be timely with your banners for the most part. Previous experience is not necessary; we'll accept anyone who applies as long as you make a clear effort to make the banners nice and match the icons. (:
* New to bannermaking?
mmrobitutorials has some really helpful tutorials! (:
* Posting access will be granted to each bannermaker after you have completed your first week! Leave a comment, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. (: