The Basics:
Age:over 21
How did you find out about this community? (Specify usernames if you remember them.)I think it was either through a meme, or a posting that deadcell or notraffic made
Personality Questions:
1) List and expand upon your three best traits / strengths. (These should be personality-related, not physical.)
2) List and expand upon your three worst traits / weaknesses.
Untidy (desperately so)
I sometimes neglect my friends when I'm absorbed in a project; I can get very single-minded and hyperfocused
3) Rate yourself on the following traits by putting an 'X' in the box you think fits best. (E.g. if you are slightly more introverted than extroverted, put an 'X' in the second box.) Explain your choice as well.
Introverted [ ] [x ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Extroverted
I really like people and love finding out their stories and their take on life, the universe and everything, but I find it tiring being in company for long periods of time. Most of my preferred interests are solitary ones, and I need lots of uninterrupted thinking time or I get crabby.
Cheerful [ ] [X ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Gloomy
I wouldn't have thought I was exceptionally cheerful, but friends, and colleagues I work with, always tell me how my happiness gives them a boost. Since people are constantly commenting on my 'irrepressible cheerfulness', I guess I must be
Reserved [ ] [ ] [x ] [ ] [ ] Impulsive
I like doing things on a whim, but when it comes to confiding in others I am quite reserved and take a long time to really trust them.
Energetic [ ] [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] Calm
I am energetic in a calm way; I don't easily get flustered or anxious,x and I don't sweat the small stuff. But I like to keep busy and have lots of projects on the go.
Logical/Thinking [x ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Emotional/Feeling
Illogical thinking drives me batty.
Grudge-holding [ ] [ ] [ x] [ ] [ ] Forgiving
Depends what you mean by forgive. I don't hold grudges - I just cut that person out of my life, leave them behind and move on. Life is too short to waste it on brooding about the past, but it's also too precious to share with people who betray
4) Describe how you typically work in teams. Is it generally a good experience, or do you prefer working by yourself? Do you like to lead and make decisions or do you prefer to let others make decisions so that you can do the legwork? You may find it helpful to give an example of a team you worked on recently and how that went.
I am a terrible team member. I only focus intermittently. Nothing is more boring to me than meetings and I end up doodling compulsively. According to some psychological profiling I did once, I am that outside-the-box off-the-wall creative thinker who will throw a dozen ideas into the pot and then leave everybody else to fine tune them and carry them out. I am really only interested in doing my own thing. I like being in a team if I can tell everybody else what to do, and I am fine being in a team where somebody else tells me what to do. But collaborative strategy discussions? Forget it!
5) Spider-Man Decision: If you had to choose between saving two dozen innocent children and saving your best friend/significant other/person closest to you, which would you pick and why?
I would choose to save my own child.
6) Your friend has had their feelings hurt and comes to you for consolation. What do you do? Let's say, two days later they come to you again still upset over the same issue. What would you do in that case?
I am not normally someone that people come to when they are upset; probably my relentless cheerfulness makes them feel I might be unable to empathise. I think my reaction would depend on a) how dear they were to me, and b) how serious the cause of the upset was. A deep hurt can require weeks or months of healing and much venting, and all a friend needs to do is listen patiently for as long as it takes, while maybe occasionally interjecting a gentle leading question.
7) What interests/hobbies do you have? How do you like to spend your free time?
I spend a lot of my spare time ferrying my kids around, which I enjoy, because I'm taking them to things that they enjoy. Aside from that, I like: drawing (taking life classes) amateur dramatics (chorus line of old Broadway musicals, or stage crew); reading (novels, history, studies in popular culture); learning languages (currently, Japanese); and writing (mostly fanfic)
8) Describe one to three careers you would find ideal, with a little explanation of why it appeals to you.
Diplomat: languages, foreign travel. I'm quick to assmilate with other cultures, and I would love all the negotation and wheely-dealings.
Psychiatrist: I'm interested in what makes people tick, and I'd be strongly motivated to help them get better, but I'd tend to view my patients as a problem to be solved and I wouldn't get personally, emotionally over-invested in them
University professor: young impressionable people would be forced to listen to my opinions and then write essays about them
FF Questions:
9) List one to three favorite Final Fantasy games and why you like them. Sequels/spin-offs/non-numbered/KH/Dissidia games are okay.
1. FFVII and all its compilations. "There isn't a single thing I don't cherish," as Cloud would say. Even the things that are annoying and stupid about it (like Dirge of Cerberus), I love, just like you love the big wart on your beloved's face because it's his wart on his face.
2. FFXII. Lots of reasons, but three will do for now: the rich complexity of their world; loot; Fran&Balthier
3. FFVI. This is a game I need to devote more time to. I love the characters.
10) List one to three of your favorite Final Fantasy characters and why:
I really wanted to pick three different characters from three different games to show how ecumenical I am, but what the hell - the truth is, my three favourite characters are Tseng, Rufus, and Reno. And the honest reason is because I've spent the last three years writing a humungeous multi-chapter fanfic about them. When you spend that much time in somebody's company, you tend to get fond. My three favourite female characters are Tifa, Freya, and Fran.
11) One to three characters you relate to (you may reuse answers from #8 if applicable) and why:
Tseng? Because he's been my viewpoint character for so much of that fanfic I just mentioned. The character most like me is probably Fran, except I'm not such a hot bunny.
12) The FF game you liked playing least:
FFVIII. The drawing was annoying and the card game was annoying and Squall and Rinoa were annoying
13) One to three FF characters you dislike and why:
Genesis, because he could have been so much better.
Quina in FFIX. I feel really bad saying this, but I find it repulsive.
Quistis in FFVIII, for the same reason as Genesis. She should have been more awesome. But with all three of these characters, I feel that it was their developers who failed; I don't blame the characters themselves
14) Favorite weapon in a Final Fantasy game (either the name if you liked the name, or a picture if you liked the look of it, or a description if it had awesome stats/abilities):
The iconic Buster sword.
15) Your favorite Final Fantasy summon (e.g. Ifrit, Carbuncle, Bahamut, etc.):
In Crisis Core I loved Tseng's DMW Limit break or whatever those things were called; I'd always equip Zack with Cissnei's Lucky Stars materia and the Aerial Strike materia, just so I could hear Tseng's deep voice say "Is this the end?" over and over, followed by Zack protesting, "I'm trying, I'm trying!" The little vignettes were cool, too. Actually I just liked looking at Tseng
16) Your favorite spell/ability/technique that can be learned in a Final Fantasy game (e.g. Esuna, Steal, special finishes/overdrives such as Tifa's Final Heaven limit break, etc.):
Steal. Nothing beats that feeling when you half-inch a really rare item.
17) A Final Fantasy mini-game/sidequest you invested entirely too much time into:
FFVII Chocobo breeding. It became an end in itself.
18) Your favorite Cid:
Cid Highwind. He's so real.
19) Optional: Up to one class you think does not fit you, with reasoning why.
Mage. I never use magic unless I have to. I'd rather spend time grinding (and stealing stuff) and then just whack my enemies with my mighty sword of power. It's fun blasting large numbers of flans with Firaga, though!