This post contains a list of possible stamps and some tips and information on how to making sorting decisions.
NOTE: If you haven't yet submitted an application, I would avoid reading this guide until you do. If you read the descriptions here first and then submit an application, they'll be fresh in your mind and may make you unconsciously biased toward one class or another. Instead, submit your application, then come back here when you want to sort other people. :)
When sorting, you should choose whatever class (Soldier, White Mage, Black Mage, Thief, Dragoon, or Monk) that you think best matches the applicant's personality. This is different from person to person, so just go with whatever you personally feel is appropriate!
For your reference, I've included some descriptions here of what types of personalities I associate with each class, as well as several example characters for each class that you might compare the applicant to. These descriptions are just very rough generalizations and don't always apply to all of the example characters.
Well-rounded, a mix of calm and enthusiasm, not particularly outgoing but not especially withdrawn either. Proactive, confident, and purposeful with a strong sense of leadership.
Characters: Cloud, Lightning, Marche, Paine, Ramza, Squall, Tidus, Zack
Skills: Combat
Use: Swords
Default 1 (Lightning) |
Default 2 (FFTA) |
Tidus White Mages: (+Summoners)
Peaceful, calm, supportive, and warm-hearted, with an almost maternal air. Generally light-hearted, perhaps a bit shy or naive.
Characters: Aerith, Eiko, Garnet, Minwu, Penelo, Rosa, Yuna
Skills: White Magic
Use: Staves, Rods
Default 1 (Aerith) |
Default 2 (FFTA) |
Aerith (alt) |
Hope |
Yuna Black Mages: (+Red Mages)
Usually cool and calm in demeanor with a logical or scholarly bend, but a passionate/emotional core underneath. Outspoken and unafraid of confrontation. Often prefer to lend their advice and support rather than lead.
Characters: Lulu, Palom, Rinoa, Rydia, Terra, Vivi
Skills: Attack Magic
Use: Rods, Rapiers
Default 1 (Vivi) |
Default 2 (FFTA) |
Lulu |
Rydia |
Terra Thieves: (+Ninjas)
Typically friendly, outgoing, energetic and charming. They're quick, analytical thinkers, so they're probably the first to come up with a plan. Happy to sit in the sidelines and observe others. Adventurous and open-minded.
Characters: Edge, Locke, Rikku, Vaan, Yuffie, Zidane
Skills: Stealing
Use: Daggers, other small blades
Default 1 (Rikku) |
Default 2 (FFTA) |
Edge |
Yuffie |
Zidane Monks:
Honest, straightforward, passionate, and blunt. May be impulsive and act before taking the time to think it through, with perhaps a stubborn streak. Monks have simple tastes and are pure of heart.
Characters: Amarant, Sabin, Snow, Tifa, Ursula, Yang, Zell
Skills: Martial Arts
Use: Bare Fists
Default 1 (Zell) |
Default 2 (FFTA) |
Snow |
Tifa Dragoons: (+Samurai)
Dragoons are steadfast, reticent and perhaps a bit gruff or aloof, but at the same time fiercely loyal. They can be a bit pessimistic and tend to keep to themselves, although there are outspoken dragoons as well.
Characters: Auron, Cid, Cyan, Fang, Freya, Kain, Kimahri
Skills: Jump, Bushido
Use: Lances, Spears, Katana
Default 1 (Kain) |
Default 2 (FFTA) |
Ward In addition, if you believe the applicant is dishonest/pushing/trolling, you should use the No Vote option. If you find the application too lacking in detail, use the Needs Elaboration option. You get points for these votes provided that you write enough rationale that makes it clear you did read the entire app.
There may be cases where the mods feel it's necessary to close an app early (comments getting too hostile, for example). In this case, no points will be awarded at all to any voter.
Some things to remember when sorting:
• Bold your vote.
• Put your team name in the subject of your vote, or use a tag banner (unless you haven't been stamped yet).
• Each application you sort gets you 10 points for your team or future team.
• Leaving reasoning behind your vote is not required but is nice!
• Don't abuse the no vote / needs elaboration options.
• Be forgiving of spelling/grammatical mistakes as some people are not writing in their first language.
Let me know if you have any questions / are confused / think my descriptions are terrible. :)
This post contains a list of possible stamps and some tips and information on how to making sorting decisions.
NOTE: If you haven't yet submitted an application, I would
avoid reading this guide until you do. If you read the descriptions here first and then submit an application, they'll be fresh in your mind and may make you unconsciously biased toward one class or another. Instead, submit your application, then come back here when you want to sort other people. :)
When sorting, you should choose whatever class (Soldier, White Mage, Black Mage, Thief, Dragoon, or Monk) that you think best matches the applicant's personality. This is different from person to person, so just go with whatever you personally feel is appropriate!
For your reference, I've included some descriptions here of what types of personalities I associate with each class, as well as several example characters for each class that you might compare the applicant to. These descriptions are just very rough generalizations and don't always apply to all of the example characters.
Well-rounded, a mix of calm and enthusiasm, not particularly outgoing but not especially withdrawn either. Proactive, confident, and purposeful with a strong sense of leadership.
Characters: Cloud, Lightning, Marche, Paine, Ramza, Squall, Tidus, Zack
Skills: Combat
Use: Swords
Stamps:">Default 1 (Lightning) |">Default 2 (FFTA) |">Tidus
White Mages: (+Summoners)
Peaceful, calm, supportive, and warm-hearted, with an almost maternal air. Generally light-hearted, perhaps a bit shy or naive.
Characters: Aerith, Eiko, Garnet, Minwu, Penelo, Rosa, Yuna
Skills: White Magic
Use: Staves, Rods
Stamps:">Default 1 (Aerith) |">Default 2 (FFTA) |">Aerith (alt) |">Hope |">Yuna
Black Mages: (+Red Mages)
Usually cool and calm in demeanor with a logical or scholarly bend, but a passionate/emotional core underneath. Outspoken and unafraid of confrontation. Often prefer to lend their advice and support rather than lead.
Characters: Lulu, Palom, Rinoa, Rydia, Terra, Vivi
Skills: Attack Magic
Use: Rods, Rapiers
Stamps:">Default 1 (Vivi) |">Default 2 (FFTA) |">Lulu |">Rydia |">Terra
Thieves: (+Ninjas)
Typically friendly, outgoing, energetic and charming. They're quick, analytical thinkers, so they're probably the first to come up with a plan. Happy to sit in the sidelines and observe others. Adventurous and open-minded.
Characters: Edge, Locke, Rikku, Vaan, Yuffie, Zidane
Skills: Stealing
Use: Daggers, other small blades
Stamps:">Default 1 (Rikku) |">Default 2 (FFTA) |">Edge |">Yuffie |">Zidane
Honest, straightforward, passionate, and blunt. May be impulsive and act before taking the time to think it through, with perhaps a stubborn streak. Monks have simple tastes and are pure of heart.
Characters: Amarant, Sabin, Snow, Tifa, Ursula, Yang, Zell
Skills: Martial Arts
Use: Bare Fists
Stamps:">Default 1 (Zell) |">Default 2 (FFTA) |">Snow |">Tifa
Dragoons: (+Samurai)
Dragoons are steadfast, reticent and perhaps a bit gruff or aloof, but at the same time fiercely loyal. They can be a bit pessimistic and tend to keep to themselves, although there are outspoken dragoons as well.
Characters: Auron, Cid, Cyan, Fang, Freya, Kain, Kimahri
Skills: Jump, Bushido
Use: Lances, Spears, Katana
Stamps:">Default 1 (Kain) |">Default 2 (FFTA) |">Ward
In addition, if you believe the applicant is dishonest/pushing/trolling, you should use the No Vote option. If you find the application too lacking in detail, use the Needs Elaboration option. You get points for these votes provided that you write enough rationale that makes it clear you did read the entire app.
There may be cases where the mods feel it's necessary to close an app early (comments getting too hostile, for example). In this case, no points will be awarded at all to any voter.
Some things to remember when sorting:
• Bold your vote.
• Put your team name in the subject of your vote, or use a tag banner (unless you haven't been stamped yet).
• Each application you sort gets you 10 points for your team or future team.
• Leaving reasoning behind your vote is not required but is nice!
• Don't abuse the no vote / needs elaboration options.
• Be forgiving of spelling/grammatical mistakes as some people are not writing in their first language.
Let me know if you have any questions / are confused / think my descriptions are terrible. :)