Final Fantasy Exchange
The Perfect Sign-Up Form
When signing up for Final Fantasy Exchange, don't overlook the importance of your sign-up form: so much of the exchange rides on the quality of information you give us in that little comment box! Filling out the sign-up form may seem easy, but based on some of the feedback we received from Round #1's exit poll, we think these directions are vital to help you get everything you can out of
ff_exchange. Read on to see what kinds of prompts were favored and how you can get yourself the best possible assignment!
It's All About The Requests
The requests are central to FFEX because they will determine both the gift you give and the gift you get, and since what you volunteer to give will help to choose the prompts we assign you, this is the best place to start.
In general, a good request gives your gifter something substantial to work with, without putting extreme limits on their creativity. A good prompt includes a character, a few characters, or a pairing, but it also includes a situation or setting into which to put the fic or art. For example, here are what we consider excellent prompts:
- Irvine and Selphie. Gen or pairing fic fine; preferably post game, showing how their relationship becomes closer (intimate or friendship wise) after the events of the game and how Irvine remembering more from the past has an effect on it. Irvine who's not a total whore preferred. Extra prompts: festivals, dinner dates, speeding tickets.
- Something weaving together Garnet/Zidane and Beatrix/Steiner. Girl-talk between Garnet and Beatrix and Steiner eying Zidane with "don't-keep-her-out-past-10pm" distrust for the entire time and Zidane teasing him sound like they might be good ideas.
- Jecht, Auron, Braska, and Why Jecht is No Longer Allowed to Rent Chocobos from the Nice Chocobo Lady in the Calm Lands. Slashiness between any/all of the three is great, genfic is great, whatever!
- Beclem and Chappu, gen or pairing fic, when they meet in the Crusaders after Chappu enlists. How Chappu deals with his family either going on pilgrimages or planning to go on them, and how their decisions led to him joining the Crusaders and how meeting Beclem changes him. Some extra prompts: field drills, military issue sheets, riding chocobos.
- Fran/Balthier (or non-romantic Fran and Balthier, if you prefer). Family's what you make of it. Two people in exile, hanging on to one another. Alternate additional prompts: the masks we wear by choice or chance, longing for things lost.
We will discuss, later in this post, just what makes these prompts so good for an exchange. From now on, though, as you read, keep prompts like this in mind when we are talking about your assignment.
Language and Terms
Your sign-up form has two distinct parts: "I Can Give", the portion in which you list the things you are willing to create in the fandoms you feel comfortable offering; and "I Would Like To Get", the portion in which you give three prompts, one of which will become your special FFEX gift. Both sections should be viewed as separate entities; the mods will not automatically transfer your list of squicks from the GIVE section to the GET section. However, there are some general things to keep in mind before sitting down to either section; one of the most important is the language you choose to use on the form.
In discussing these terms, we've tried to focus on areas which either gave us specific problems in Round #1 or are full of potential problems for Round #2. Our advice certainly doesn't cover the entire scope of things you can request in FFEX! Please don't feel, after reading this, like you have to request a pairing of some sort-or that you're going to be assigned some bizarre kink. This discussion is meant to highlight problematic areas and is in no way meant to limit your requests or offers!
Fandom Terminology
The FFEX mods strongly advise against the use of any fandom-specific terminology in your sign up form. There is no guarantee that the terms you are used to hearing within your fandom circles are used in the same way throughout all of Final Fantasy
macrofandom, no matter how common you think these terms are-in fact, we had issues with this during Round #1. We suggest avoiding the use of any of the following:
- Pairing names and name smooshes. This includes things like "Tuna", "Seiftis", and "Yuffentine" as well as names like "Fire and Ice" or "The Good Ship Sunshine" which lack any sort of defining characteristics.
- Fandom slang. No matter how well-known you think the terminology is, someone out there will have a different understanding of the word. This includes
- Pairing-related slang like "slash", "yaoi", "yuri", "top/bottom", "het", "gen", "uke/seme"
- Kink-related slang (without a definition or link) or squicks like "May/December" which may be open to interpretation
- Fandom- or genre-related slang like "fluff", "PWP", or "genfic"
- If you do need to use fandom- or kink-related slang to describe what you want, we suggest explicitly explaining it the way you mean it in your sign-up form. Examples:
- "I would prefer to see fluff (I love sweet, perfect romance and happy-sappy endings!)"
- "I love 'genfic' - and by that I mean I prefer stories with relationships in the background and other issues at the forefront"
- "I would prefer slash pairings (by that I mean M/M, with top/bottom dynamics)"
- Pairing-notation assumptions. Different fandoms and fans interpret these notations different ways. This includes:
- Assuming that "A/B" indicates a preconceived romantic relationship.
- Assuming that "A/B" means A-B interaction with no romantic overtones at all.
- Assuming that "A/B" inherently implies a request for smut.
- Assuming that "A/B" implies any kind of top-bottom dynamics.
Recommended Terminology
For your sign-up forms in FFEX, we would recommend you use the following descriptors and conventions to avoid confusion:
- Pairings can be listed as A/B or AxB; please just make it clear to us which characters are involved.
- "I do not like writing Seifer/Quistis"
- "I would like a ZidanexGarnet story"
- Types of Pairings should simply be listed as M/M, M/F, or F/F to avoid slang confusion. If you are talking about a threesome or moresome, just be clear as to what you mean.
- "I will only write M/M pairings"
- "I would like a fic from FFVIII, any F/F pairing"
- "I don't want to write threesomes / moresomes / poly - any number of people"
- Relationship Dynamics should be denoted as well. For example, we suggest denoting between the following levels:
- Friendly interactions between A and B
- "Yuna and Tidus, friendly interactions, on the pilgrimage."
- Romantic relationship between A and B, but not explicit
- "Tidus/Yuna, romantic relationship-maybe their second kiss."
- Explicit sexual contact between A and B
- "Tidus/Yuna, sex/smut-their first time."
- Relationship Dynamics should also be stated clearly if you are looking for things like "top/bottom", "uke/seme", or "mentor/student"-but if this is the case, please also briefly explain the dynamics you are looking for.
- Kink-related slang is somewhat unavoidable, but please make sure the terms you are using are clear. If you need to link to a kink list, please do so. Understand some poor fan might panic if faced with a specific kink term they've never seen before!
- "I don’t want dubcon or noncon (I don’t enjoy fics in which there are consent issues)"
- "I'm looking for bloodplay-the use of knives, cuts, blood during sex."
In any case, please keep in mind that this is an exchange. If, upon further deliberation, you have very specific definitions of fandom terms and any deviation from your expectations might ruin your assignment or your gift, FFEX may not be the format for you. If, however, you’re starting to get excited about the prompts you’re going to get, read on to find out how to submit the perfect sign-up form!
"I Would Like To Give": How To Get The Perfect Assignment
The GIVE section of your sign-up form asks you to list things you are willing to make as your FFEX gift to someone else. Based on what you list in this section, the mods will be matching you with your secret fandom soulmate, whose prompts will be your assignment for this round! Your sign-up form is critical; we will be matching you solely on the information you provide to us. So it’s doubly important that you check and double-check this information-there are no takebacks!
For the exchange, you can sign up to produce either fanfiction or fanart (or both).
Quality guidelines for fic and art are listed in the rules. Fandom
We will ask you to list fandoms you are willing to create for. Keep in mind the more fandoms you offer, the easier our job will be when matching you. However, if you’re not thrilled at the thought of actually creating something for a specific fandom, you don’t necessarily have to include it in your list, even if technically you could write or draw for it-we’re asking for fandoms you are willing and eager to create for!
In the case of Compilation fandoms like FFIV, FFVII, and FFXII, PLEASE BE SURE to specifically indicate which canons you are willing to create for. We cannot specify this enough. Be very clear. A great list of Extended Canons and the usual abbreviations used for each can be found at
Final Fantasy Press's FAQ listing "Do Not Want To Make"
This is the section for you to list things you do not want us to include in your matchup. It includes kinks, squicks, and even characters or pairings you’re not keen on. Everyone’s fandom preferences are different; your mods aren’t going to be judging you on this, nor will we be making the information public. That being said, if the list of things you will not write is very, very long, it’s going to be very hard to match you.
The "Do Not Want To Make" section contains four subsections for you to list all kinds of things that you wouldn't be comfortable creating as a gift.
- Rating / Relationship Level. Not everyone is experienced in writing or drawing X-rated porn. Not everyone is interested in writing or drawing G-rated scenes. That's okay! Add any rating levels you don't want onto your "Do Not Want" list. If you have different maximum ratings for different media (let's say you write lots of smut, but only draw G-rated art), that's okay-please list it.
We also ask what levels of relationships you're comfortable depicting in your gift, based on the levels of dynamics we've spelled out above. We ask this because last year, we saw participants who didn't want any sort of relationship in their assignment. If you only want friendship prompts-or, hey, if you only want porn prompts!-this is the place to put that. - Squicks, Kinks, Warnings.Anything you're just not comfortable creating goes here. Examples: blood, above-R-rated sex, violence; incest, rape or non-con, etc. It doesn't matter what it is; if pigs in bathrooms squick you, put it here so we don't match you with the "Squall as a pig" prompt.
- Characters/Pairings. Maybe there's a character you feel like you've never figured out, or a pairing that just doesn't click with you: here's the place to list that, so we don't assign it to you. Please be fair with this section. It should include characters and pairings you actually do not think you could do justice to in a gift, not just characters or pairings you don't like.
- Personal Preferences. Anything that hasn't been covered above-things like "I don't write fluff" or "I can't write crack humor"-go here. The mods can't promise to match each and every one of your personal preferences, but we will make an honest effort to do so if you tell us you don't like something.
Please keep in mind that
ff_exchange is about giving. Yes, we want you to be excited about your prompts, which is why we let you put a few stipulations on them-but please, keep it at a few. Please only include things that would truly make you unhappy to see.
Volunteer Gifting
The last part of the GIVE section asks whether you're interested in being a back-up gifter or beta gifter for Round #2. Back-up gifters step in to make hasty gifts if a participant defaults on their assignment; they may have as little as one week's warning to create their back-up gift, but their actions will ensure those unlucky recipients have something to take home! Beta gifters step up to make gifts for our sponsored betas in return for the work they offer during the exchange; beta gifts are assigned on a shorter timescale than exchange gifts, usually with a three-week due date.
You don't have to do either. You can do all three. The extent of your participation is totally up to you. If you do sign up to be a volunteer gifter, we will use the same information from your GIVE list to match you with your extra prompts.
"I Would Like To Get": How To Write The Perfect Prompt
The GET section of your FFEX sign-up form is the exciting one: here's where you get to list what you'd like as your gift! You are allowed three prompts, and we will do our best to match you to someone who could potentially write all three-although each individual prompt should represent a gift you'd be more than happy to see posted in the community.
Round #1's Exit Poll told us some interesting things about the prompts, although some of them were obvious. While most participants were happy in the end with the prompts they received (and almost everyone was able to find something in their matchup they could create for!), the general feeling was that the prompts could have used more detail and direction. This wasn't really surprising to us after compiling the master list of prompts and seeing that the majority of them were just one or two words:
- Kefka
- The Turks
- Seifer x Squall
- Beatrix
- Rikku
- Fran/Balthier
- yaoi, any kind
While a short prompt like this might, to you, represent exactly what you want ("Any story with the Turks in it is fine with me!"), one-word prompts can really stump your gifter. Keep in mind your gifter may not be your fandom BFF; they may not even know you! They're trying to make a story that will really make you happy, and if they don't know what you want Rikku to be doing or whether you want the Turks at a bar or on a mission, they're going to struggle with that gift.
Think back to the prompts we showed you initially. It's time to talk about what turns a prompt into a great prompt.
A favorite character or beloved rare pairing is a great starting point, but your gifter is going to want a little more direction with the request-so fill it in with some suggestions! Think about the genre: comedy? romance? dark and angsty? action-packed? How about timing: in-game, post-game? All of these make good starting places for your requests.
In addition, consider leaving some actual prompts along with your description: things to give your gifter ideas. These could be objects ("roses; a knife; treasure"), activities ("Garden Festival; night out in Treno; coronation; first-date disaster"), or even phrases or song lyrics ("friendship isn't easy"; "two birds with one stone"; "I am too playing with fifty-two cards").
A really good prompt is one that can work for a lot of different people. Try to leave your prompt open-ended; it will help your gifter in case he or she gets stumped. Prompts like "explore A + B's relationship post-game (friendship or romance, whichever you prefer!)" or "X, Y, and Z having shenanigans - as a team, a threesome, or any pairing" give options to a writer or artist who might be struggling with one aspect of your request.
It also helps to leave a series of prompts or suggestions, in case one of them strikes your gifter more than the others. "A/B's hilarious first date" might not work for someone who isn't good with comedy; the prompt "A/B, first date - hilarious shenanigans, an introspective serious talk, or maybe even a little bit of sexy time" is more open.
Not Demanding
You don't want to put too many limits on your gifter. So far, we've been adding detail and suggestions, not requirements. You may think you have a great idea for the perfect story, but if what you want is "A/B, post-game, where B has magical powers and becomes the ruler of Country X and thus the sworn enemy of A (who has of course had a child with C); tell me the story of their star-crossed love during the war which obviously erupts, also add some porn in which there is bondage and A totally bottoms", you may want to think about writing it yourself. Too many demands create an inflexible prompt your gifter won't be able to work with. Keep your ideas as suggestions. Words like "maybe", "preferably", "how about" or "potential prompts" work wonders.
Also, don't hinge the success of any prompt on one single detail. If you really are that picky about your A/B fic, the exchange format may not be right for you. Try to keep an open mind: this is an exchange based on giving, not on getting.
Keeping these facts in mind, the GET portion of the sign-up form is much easier to fill out.
Fandom/Requests 1, 2, 3
For each request, please list a fandom, and be specific-especially for extended canons like FFVII or FFXII. Crossover requests are okay-just be specific with your canons. Add your requests, prompts, ideas. To clarify things this year, we'd ask that you not put your requests in "order" at all (i.e. prompt #1 is the prompt you'd like the best); this seems to confuse things, and it makes gifters feel bad if they can't manage your #1 prompt. Other exchanges like Yuletide ask for equal-opportunity prompts, and for Round #2, we'd like to see the same.
To help us match you, try to use the terminology discussed above to describe relationships and pairings, and avoid the use of fandom slang which might confuse either your matchers or your gifter. If you have a desired rating level, or a max or min rating you'd like to see, please mention it.
Gift Media Preference
You can ask for fanfiction or fanart, or "either" if it doesn't matter to you.
"Do Not Want To Receive"
This is the part of the GET form in which you list things you really do not want to see in your gift. Any squicks, kinks, or warnings which would ruin a gift for you should be listed here, along with characters/pairings you just cannot handle or genres like "fluff" you do not want. We will be considering this portion as separate from the GIVE portion (some people like to read some things but not write them, for example), but if your dislikes are the same, feel free to copy and paste.
Please keep in mind that your gifter will be trying to create one of your three prompts-you do not need to list every single pairing in fandom that you do not like. For example, if your requests are all from FFX, there's no need to say "I do not want Cloud in my gift." If you've already said you want friendship-only fic, you don't have to list every kink in the world on your "Do Not Want" list.
Anything Else
This is a catch-all section. You can leave some extra detail about things you like or do not like in your fanfiction/fanart for your gifter, if you'd like. Or you can leave love notes for your mods. If there's anything you feel the sign-up form hasn't covered, leave it here.
Writing The Perfect Sign-Up Form
This advice all comes directly from Round 1: either from actual problems we dealt with during the round, or from information we gathered during the exit poll. If everyone keeps these things in mind-and if we remember that FFEX is for FUN-we should be able to make Round #2 even better for everyone!
[Last edit: 6/6/09, 6am]