Title: Ten-Foot Treadmarks Fandom: FFVIII Characters: Squall Prompt: Drive Rating: PG-13 Warnings: None Summary: He can't escape his job; this is as close as it gets. For ff_flashfic.
You'll notice I didn't close Drive. Partly because nobody wrote anything for it.
If there're no responses (or at least comments suggesting prompts) by Monday 13th August, I'm going to close this community because of lack of interest. :(
Sorry I've been ignoring this community for so long -- I've had so many things to be doing. I'm back now and hoping to coax/massage/thump some life back into this community. But, for now, I'm closing the twenty-ninth challenge, Pet.
Title: True Friends Final Fantasy: FFVIII Pairings/Characters: Rinoa, Angelo, General Caraway Rating: PG Word Count: 1400 Summary: Angelo is more than just a pet.
The next challenge is Pet. It should be closed the day before I finish exams, the eighteenth, but since my last exam is an anthology one, I may not be home and internet-capable that day by dint of the fact I'll be camping out with my classmates trying to figure out the more obscure points. I'll try and get it done on time, though. :)
The next challenge is Serenity. Whether it's the feeling of serenity, whether your characters long for it, or whether you want to pull a crossover and have Balthier on Mal's boat... ;)
As always, suggestions for new challenges are very welcome. :)