We had a lower voting turnout (thanks, LJ polls), and so it was harder to choose winners. Keep participating, folks; recognize all the wonderful Final Fantasy icons out there!
NOTE: All icons in the session 3 voting post and this post are hosted on my server, so please don't hotlink. Thanks!
All ties broken by a non-iconmaker, non-fandom third party, except for FROG SONG.
Bahamut -
Best Overall Icon
affiliate Biggs&Wedge -
Best Couple Icon
so_vayne Frog Song - Best Comic Icon
rusalkatrix |
gunshou Tonberry -
Best Dark Icon
so_vayne Summoner's Tears
- Emotional
camiyakChocobo Racing -
Best Cropping
sanam Spoony Bard -
Best Text
so_vayne Blizzaga -
Best Black&White
sweet100x100 Elixir -
Best Coloring
anniereckless Onion Knight -
Best Complex Icon
x_mapsMasamune -
Best Simple Icon
fiorie Save The Queen -
Best Art
rusalkatrix Cid -
Best Original Icon
xennai Phoenix Down -
Best Non-Hume Icon
rusalkatrix CONGRATULATIONS! Banners can be found in the
pre-made banners album. Just choose the category you won in from the list down the left-hand side, choose a banner and put your icon in it. I swear we'll be putting new banners to choose from up soon! *is shot*
Nominations for Session #4 are now OPEN. Special Category: Best FFXIII (Versus/Agito/FCN) icon (so chosen because I'm in the middle of a serious lightning storm). Please remember when nominating to check and see that the icon hasn't already been nominated for that category or won that category in a previous round.