Results: Challenge 13
SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY X 1 BILLION. I've been so busy this past week - I completely forgot about this place in the hustle of RL. SORRY!
First Place (+33 points) - 300 gil
Second Place (+31 points) - 200 gil
Third Place (+22 points) - 100 gil
Mod's Choice - 100 gil
Becca says: I think this icon is awesome :D Kind of a unique interpretation of trendy (fffound texture) and I think it was executed extremely well.
Gamble Winner - 700 gil
1. 6
2. 31
3. 9
4. 33
5. 22
6. 10
7. 18
8. 3
1. 8
2. 4
3. 0
4. 9
5. 2