[ Profile ]
Name: Jessica
Age: 20
Male or Female: F
Date of Birth: Nov. 26th
Sign: Sagittarius and Tiger
Nationality: American
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Brown.. In the sunlight, they match my hair.
Bloodtype: O+
Current Occupation: Cook/Culinary Student
Hobbies: muay thai, watching anime, drawing/art, anthropology, history, watching tv (specifically surgery shows, nature shows, and paranormal shows), reading, hanging out with friends
Dreams: To travel all over the world, and settle down in a foreign country one day. It would also be neat to open my own restaurant, but mostly I want to travel.
[ In depth ]
Likes: Anime and animation in general, reading, video games (rpgs especially), muay thai, food and cooking/baking, the internet ♥, lolita fashion, knee socks, hanging out with friends, animals, my boyfriend
Dislikes: Bad drivers, assholes, bureaucratic mess, dumbasses, people who are annoyingly nice or too whiny, when bad things happen all at once, school, my rent, not having enough space, that my friends all live far away now
Strong Points: trivial knowledge, my dessert making skills, my fierce loyalty to friends, mm, I'm creative, usually energetic and up for anything! I am also confident, and I think, smart too~ I can draw well, but haven't done much recently.
Weak Points: short attention span... I tend to be forgetful because of it so sometimes need things repeated when shown to me for the first time (but this is getting better). it's just so hard to concentrate sometimes. >_< also, I find myself to be physically weaker than I'd like but this had gotten better as well with muay thai. And, sometimes I come off as bitchy - at least, that's what I've been told over the years by friends and my boyfriend. Although, I don't really know if it's a 'weakness' so much as a personality trait... Also, I tend to be really daydreamy and spacey sometimes, too... Especially if I'm tired or bored.
Describe yourseft in 3 words: cheerful, argumentative, opinionated
[ Favorites ]
Favorite Color: Red, green, or orange
Favorite Animal: Fox!
Favotire Sport: I don't really keep up with sports. I guess muay thai? Or swimming.
Favorite Season: The one we're in right now! I like the late summer/early fall time of year best of all.
Favorite Fruit: Berries.
Favorite Flavor: Honey
Favorite Smell: Vanilla, or Cinnamon
Favorite Element: Wood
[ FF Questions ]
Favorite Final Fantasy and why? Six, easily. Not the first FF I played, but it left such a huge impression on me when I was a kid... It was just so epic, and there was so much stuff to do. It was awesome. A close second would be IV, which was my first FF.
Favorite FF Character and why? Either Terra, because I really liked her character and watching her develop from an insecure, scared girl into a strong, confident woman, plus I liked her story in general and the whole half-Esper thing was really cool XD Or Rydia, again because I liked her personality, story, and abilities in the game.
Any FF Character you dislike? Quinoa, that thing from IX. Please don't vote me as Quinoa. Also, I disliked VIII in general so I'm not overly fond of any of the characters there... And I'm not really into the newer FFs (X and beyond) as the older ones, so I like the older characters better.
[ Photos ] (please no more than 3 photos and no cosplay pics! If you don't have photos, please make a brief description of your appearance.)
Teaching myself guitar... And I swear, I will pick it back up! >_<
Me when my hair was longer.