[ Profile ]
Name: Renee, but more often Ryune
Age: 20, soon to be 21
Male or Female: Boobs Female
Date of Birth: October 27th
Sign: Scorpio - bunk, I don't believe in horrorscopes
Nationality: American, and quite the white one at that.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Greener side of hazel
Bloodtype: O+
Current Occupation: Student, graphic designer, and costume shop assisitant. I am a woman of many talents
Hobbies: Drawing, sewing, reading, writing, LOL INTERNET, video games
Dreams: To own a children's entertainment company that's big enough to compete with Disney. Said company would produce quality, intelligent shows that didn't suck and/or make fart jokes every three minutes.
[ In depth ]
Likes: Disney movies, Kingdom Hearts, adorkable characters, sappy romance stories, stories with a fair amount of "heart", anime, manga, philosophy, theology, day dreaming
Dislikes: Homework, projects, bad fanfiction, unfunny jokes, trolling, not taking a shower, people who are too uptight for their own good, people who behave in a less-than-intelligent manner.
Strong Points: Never gives up or lets self be discouraged by a roadbump, very smart and determined, decent sense of humor, adaptable and a fast learner
Weak Points: A bit bull-headed and selfish, sometimes I can't see past the end of my own nose. Somewhat stuck up and superior-acting
Describe yourseft in 3 words: Creative, intelligent, dorky
[ Favorites ]
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Animal: kittens
Favotire Sport: Running
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Fruit: I don't like fruit :(
Favorite Flavor: Matcha green tea
Favorite Smell: vanilla
Favorite Element: Water
[ FF Questions ]
Favorite Final Fantasy and why? IX - the story, the characters, the... everything. I love FF9, and it was my first FF, and possibly the only video game besides Kingdom Hearts I've felt compelled to go back and play several times.
Favorite FF Character and why? Tossup between Kuja and Tidus - Kuja because he's such a drama queen, and Tidus because he's so cheerful.
Any FF Character you dislike? ... not really. I haven't played many, to be honest. Penelo is rubbing me the wrong way in FF12, but... I've only begun on that one.
[ Photos ] SEE ICON - and, sadly, that was the only icon I had that wasn't a character. SO Y'ALL GET A SELF-PORTRAIT DUR HUR HUR.