In honor of the infamous
Ides of March . . .
Challenge: Julius Caesar
"Et tu, Brute!"
The Ides of March (March 15th) is famous for being the day Julius Caesar was assassinated. It's a day of doom! *cue ominous music*
This week's theme is text-based:
I want you to include at least 3 consecutive words of legible text from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar on your icon.
The full text can be found online
here, and a selection of choice quotes can be found
If you are thinking, "Agh! Shakespeare! How am I going to find a good quote?!"; I promise you there are lots of 3-word phrases that will make excellent icon text.
When you submit, please include your quote and the Act & Scene it is from.
NOTE: I *will* accept substitutions for Place names & Personal names. For example, if you would like to replace the word "Rome" with "Spira" or "Dalmasca," or replace the name "Brutus" with "Basch," that's fine. But do include the original, correct quote when you submit.
Bonus points for icons featuring assassins, statesmen, or Squall in a toga.
If you have any questions, please ask!
--Each member may submit up to 2 icons. But if you decide to make 2, please don't use the same style for both. Experiment a little!
--Icons must conform to livejournal standards: 100x100px & 40KB or less, in .gif, .jpg, or .png format.
--Icons must be made new for the challenge.
--Don't use or showcase your entry icon(s) until the winners have been announced.
--Fanart and doujinshi can be used, but if the artist does not want his/her work modified, please don't use it.
Icons are due by Thursday, March 15th at 8pm EST.
Submissions should be left in a comment to this post. (All comments will be screened.)
http://www.myhost/icon.jpgFFIV: Tellah
Don't forget to
VOTE for your 3 favorite Same but Different icons!