Daintress wore me down... ;) .. I mean "Witherwings."

Mar 13, 2007 11:26

NAME: Severity (or Jenn, if you must know the real one)
AGE: 27

01. Which Hogwarts house do you see yourself in and why?

Mmm, Slytherin, because I look good in green.

Okay, not good enough? *g* Okay I'm brave, but not stupidly so as the gryffindors are - basically, I know when to cut my losses, spare my own neck, and get out of the way of danger rather than trying to play hero. I'm smart, but not in the bookish kiss-arse Ravenclaw way. And, well, I'm just not a puff. "All the rest?" How boring.

I also have a tendancy to be manipulative, sneaky, and selfish enough to use those qualities if I need to.

02. Make a paragraph-long highlight summary of both the Order’s and the Death Eaters’ characteristics and doctrine. Each paragraph should be no longer than ten lines.

DE - Founded on the belief that purity of blood is of utmost importance, in spite of the fact that Voldy is a half-blood. Sneaky and cruel, most DE are unflinchingly devoted to their maniacal master - though I wonder how many are this way out of pure loyalty (Bella!) or fear of death (Pettigrew).

Order - Founded in order to defeat Voldemort. They would seem to be all about upstanding morals, though many of Dumdledore's choices have been questionable. Like the DE, most members are unflinchingly devoted to thier doddering old leader, even after his death. ;)

03. Identify yourself with one (ex)-Order Member and one Death Eater, and explain your choices.

Can I choose Snape for both options? No? Damn.

Okay DE - Snape er, okay fine, Snape. I'm wibbling putting him here because I really think, even if he's not *really* Order, that his motives are good. Anyway, I identify with Snape on a million different levels. I tend to be sarcastic and pessimistic. I hold grudges like crazy, have an explosive temper when I choose to unleash it, and have little patience for people who are incompitant. There is so much more, but I won't bore you all with the details...

Order - McGonagall. I think if you take away the terrible temper, she's really similar to Snape. Strict, little patience for misbehaving. I think because, unlike Snape, I tend to keep my temper to myself, that people would probably say I was more like Minerva than Snape. I tend to have a cold exterior and have heard more than once that people were afraid to approach me because I "seemed so serious."

04. What are three qualities of an ideal leader, and why? Please describe a person (literary, historical, etc.) who exemplifies these characteristics. Do not use any examples from the Harry Potter books.

Okay, this one was hard. I was tempted to tell you all I was an anarchist and didn't believe in governement or being led by anyone... but that would have been cheating, right? Okay...

1. "If you're stupid, surround yourself with smart people, it you're smart, surround yourself with smart people who disagree with you." It's sort of a characteristic, I suppose, but I don't know what to call it other than just giving you that quote. I think this is one of Voldy's failings - he won't believe Snape is not on his side, in spite of the fact that I'm sure Bella is not the only one who questions him. You have to listen to opposing viewpoints to form an educated opinion on anything. Basically, a good leader should listen to all sides of the story before forming an opinion and game plan.

2. The ability to multi task. This is pretty self explanitory.

3. Strength or presense and mind. Physical strength doesn't compare to those two.

An example? Really, um, I'm an anarchist? Er, not really, I just can't think of anyone in a leadership position I've ever really respected. Everyone is corrupt on some level and no one is ever going to live up to your expectations in a leadership position.

05. If placed on a mission, would you rather operate alone, with a friend, with a small group of friends or with a large force, and why?

Depends on the type of mission. Of course, if we're talking battles, no I wouldn't want to be alone. But, in general, I think alone. There is less opportunity for other people to screw things up and you have much more control over your own fate when you're handling it yourself because you don't have to go with group consensus.

06. How did you find this community? If you were referred by someone else, please state their LJ name (and, if possible, their camp).

daintress is evil. That is all.
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