Title: If Heroes Use Plans, They Are Elaborate
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIII
Pairing: Lightning/LeBreau (but Team Nora are the stars)
Prompt: NPCs
Rating: G
Words: 200
Spoilers?: nope
Author's Note: Cross-posted to
ff_fortnightly for the prompt "blindness", since it borrowed heavily from both prompts. Also, partly inspired by
"Good Intentions."----
His sister, Snow decided, was at least as oblivious as he was.
Honestly. LeBreau blushed every time she caught a glimpse of Lightning, and even if that didn’t tip the soldier off, you’d think she’d notice all of Gadot’s conspiratorial winks. Or the smug glances Serah and Hope exchanged every time the women sat next to each other. And most people would realize Yuj was fishing when he kept bringing up the Gay Tolerance Association. (Serah was ninety percent sure her sister swung that way, but she wasn’t convinced that the soldier had figured that out yet.)
And Light had even missed Maqui’s “hints”. Snow hadn’t thought that was possible.
It was getting ridiculous, Snow decided. If today’s plan didn’t work out -
Something metal crashed behind the shed. He froze momentarily, then started to run as the clattering roar started and several people shrieked. He could already see the dust starting to rise.
Okay, that did it. Tomorrow he was going to make LeBreau ask Lightning out. It was like she’d kept telling him last year - if a hero didn’t have the courage to ask a pretty girl out for dinner, he (or she) wasn’t much of a hero.