I love watching Joe's interviews and panels at conventions. He's not the "funny guy" David appears to be in similar stances and gives a lot of insight. But most of all, he makes you think.
Three Scifi interviews from 2007 (probably), when they were filming the 4th season, were uploaded on youtube by
neeraffxi and I like them sooo much: (
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Comments 5
funny... yeah... he's got a twisted little mind... LOL suffice to read his tweets...
And unfortunately I have to say JM did a great job to me with his blog (in a very sarcastic way!!!). I found myself very often thinking about what JF had said in this or that interview and in the same time I am detecting failures in his words.
I would say "fanatic" never was a way I am a fan of something or someone because I looked with different, and sometimes very critical, eyes on the person/show/novel/whatever came up to my interest. Maybe it is the way I was risen by my parents because especially my father always told me not to act to frenetic about things I enjoy. But especially in the case JF I am mad to find any failure in und about him. Crazy, I know.
All the alcohol tweets are the mere proof he was actually "performing" for us: when everybody was telling him they were too much, he kept posting them. He DOES have a problem with the authority, as he said several times.
He was never tweeting to "share with us his thoughts". And he definitely wasn't going to tell us what he'd had for breakfast, he clearly said he finds such tweets to be boring. I always took his tweets with a grain of salt, just as they were (in my opinion): pure comedy :))
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