1. Middle Name? Gayle
2. Do you feel bad for telemarketers? No, there are plenty of jobs that you don't need a lot of experience for that don't involve calling me.
3. Is it rude to bring a calculator to dinner to calculate the tip? I don't because I'm usually with someone who can figure it out (I could do so too, in a pinch), and I think most cell phones have tip calculators now anyway ^^;
4. Minor or major keys? I'm a fan of the minors
5. Are you afraid of losing control of your life? I'm not quite sure I have control now, but I'd certainly not like to have any less.
6. How far do you walk to get to the bus each morning (or how long does it take to get to school if you drive)? About 40 seconds (across the street). The ride, however, lasts about 25 minutes.
7. How many times have you changed your AIM screen name? once
8. Whose decisions are more important to you - George Bush's, or J.K. Rowling's? Bush's, seeing as how he runs the country just a teensy bit more than JK Rowling does. And I mean that completely seriously.
9. How much time do you need to get ready every morning? I usually take about 20 minutes, but my record is 7 minutes, when I once woke up at 6:55
10. If you could only leave behind one word to be read to all of your friends and family when you die, what word would it be? Once
11. If twenty telephones were all ringing at once, which telephone would you pick up? the one with the sweetest ring
12. Who would you want to be on the other end? oh, you know
13. Is it acceptable to use Sparknotes as a resource? If by "resource" one means "I didn't want to read the book so I'll just do this instead" then no. Otherwise, I use it myself sometimes.
14. How long after Christmas do you think people should be "allowed" to leave their Christmas decorations up without being embarrassed? I personally think it's a little ridiculous to wait more than a couple of weeks (like two at most), but if people want to embarass themselves, that's their decision.
15. When do people become a young adult? Middle aged? Old? A young adult is one who's puberty has slowed down, someone who is middle aged is just beginning to get wrinkles, go grey, and want a sports car, and someone who is old has a weekly pill planner.
16. Do you want to be put on life support if you need it? If it's for something that'll probably kill me anyway or leave me in a vegetative state/with half a brain/unable to move from the neck down, then no. Otherwise, keep me on for a few months, and if I don't show any signs of life, pull the plug and save the insurance company some money.
17. Is music the universal language? some music
18. Do you normally notice when there are numbers missing in these surveys? no, I don't even look at the numbers. Someone else usually points it out though.
19. Are self-serve gas stations worth the extra money? I don't ever remember paying extra for gas stations where they do it for you, and I know in Jersey it's illegal to pump your own gas, so yes, they are, because I don't think they charge extra money.
20. Are over-the-ocean trips to foreign countries worth the expense? absolutely