My meeting got rescheduled to 3, so I'm a little bored.
100 things about me. ((stolen from Emily))
1. Kindergarten Teachers name: Mrs. Hill, I think.
2. Last person you kissed: Next question...
3. Last word you said: I think it was "well" as in "oh well"
4. Last song you sang: "Hollaback Girl" like always
5. Last person you hugged: Hattie (that is, my sister)
6. Last thing you laughed at: My mother. She was saying weird things at lunch.
7. last person you instant messaged: I have no idea. It's been a really long time since I've been on AIM.
8. What's in your CD player: The Killers, or it would be if I had a CD player.
9. What socks are you wearing: None, but I wish I was because my shoes are really painful
10. What's under your bed: My bed is pretty much on the ground, so nothing.
12. Current taste: Bacon because I just ate a turkey club sandwich.
13. Current hair style: My new shampoo has made it really straight. Which is so different from normal or not.
14. Current clothes: capris and layered tank tops. And a sweater because I refuse to believe it's 91 degrees outside
15. Current Job: interning in the fabulous world of market research
16. Current longing: I know this is lame, but I really need to go to the bathroom.
17. Current desktop picture: It's the standard Millward Brown one. I don't know if I have the guts to change it.
18. Current worry: Nothing really.
19. Current hate: Having the corner cubicle. No one ever comes by just to chat.
21. Current favorite article of clothing: I got this dress a couple of weekends ago and it's so great but it's too dressy for everyday occasions. I need a semi-formal something.
22. Favorite physical features of the opposite sex: I would agree with Emily and say eyes/smile, but I'm kinda drawn to voices these days.
23. Last CD that you bought: I got the new Ryan Adams CD for my birthday.
24. Favorite place to be: In bed. I never realized how much I like sleeping until I started work.
25. Worst place to be: In traffic.
26. Time you wake up in the morning: 7am
27. If you could play a new instrument, what would it be?: I always thought bass looked easy.
29. Favorite word/saying: I say awesome all the time.
30. Favorite book: Franny and Zooey.
31. Favorite Movie: My new favorite is National Treasure.
32. Favorite bands: The Strokes and the Killers are my favorites right now.
34. One person from your past you wish you could talk to again: My friends from elementary school because I just started talking to some friends from middle school again.
35. Favorite day: Obviously Friday.
36. Where do you want to go: Right now, home. In general, back to Athens.
37. What is your career going to be: Editor probably or professor or something.
39. What kind of car will you have: I almost bought a light blue Ford Focus last week even though I didn't have enough money. Way cute. But I really like Touaregs too.
41. A random lyric: "Kelly, can you handle this? Michelle, can you handle this? Beyonce, can you handle this? I don't think they can handle this." Bootylicious!
42. Eye Color: brown
43. Hair Color: brown
44. Righty or Lefty: righty
45. Zodiac Sign: Gemini
46. Innie or Outtie: Innie. You don't meet many outies these days.
47. Your heritage: English and Irish.
68: Shoes you wore today: I just bought them yesterday. They are pink flats with a bow on them.
49. Your hair: brown and so boring. I need a haircut.
50. Your weakness: As I mentioned yesterday, boys who use the f-word.
51. Your fears: zombies, moths (and butterflies too), elevators/escalators
53. Your most recent secret: The meeting I'm about to go to is a secret. Sorry, I can't tell you about it.
54. Your thoughts first waking up: Why are they playing this song again because it's always that Sugar song.
55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: height. He's gotta be tall.
56. Your bedtime: I usually go to bed exactly at midnight.
57. Your most missed companion: I just miss everyone. Summer sucks
58. Your perfect pizza: Probably bacon and mushroom with the ketchup and mustard sauce.
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: salty and crunchy. I love tortilla chips.
60. Single or group dates: Single unless you're being set up.
61. Dogs or Cats: Cats, I guess. I like them both equally.
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I have no idea.
63. Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
64. Cappuccino or Frappuccino: frappuccino, but I don't drink them.
65. Smoke: nope
66. Curse: not really
67. Sing: loudly and badly
68. Take a shower everyday: yep
69. Have a crush: gosh, yes.
71. Think you've been in love: no, I don't think so
72. Want to go to college: Want to go back to college, yes.
73. Want more than what you’ve got: Only occasionally.
74. Want to get married: Eventually. I really don't think I'm ready.
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: No, but I do a pretty good job anyway.
76. Think you're attractive: Not particularly
77. Think you’re a health freak: No
78. Get along with your parents: Yep
79. Play an instrument: A couple, badly. But I am a recorder virtuoso
Have You. In the last Year :
80. Drank: Depends what you mean. Have I consumed any alcohol? Yes. Have I drank a whole drink? No.
81. Smoked: nope
82. Done a drug: no
83. Made Out: no. Gosh, that sucks.
84. Gone on a date: no
85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: I don't think I ever have.
86. Eaten sushi: yes
87. Been dumped: no
88. Made homemade cookies: yes
89. Been in love: no
90. Gone skinny dipping: no
91. Dyed your hair: Of course, for Halloween.
92. Stolen anything: Not from a store or anything.
93. Had too much to drink: no
94. Been caught cheating: "yes", but I wasn't actually cheating
95. Been called a tease: not in so many words
96. Gotten beaten up: by my sister, but that counts because she is a beating up champion
97. Changed who you were to fit in: yeah. That did not work out, big surprise.
98. Cried at something beautiful: yeah
99. Spent too much money on something you didn’t need: do I even need to answer that? Of course I have.
100. Cried when someone died: You know, this is awful, but I don't think so.