challenge 035: winners

Dec 31, 2007 17:58

A bit of a low voter count this week, but hey, it is near new year, so. We also have a tie thrown in this week!

Again, I'd like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a happy new year, and thanks for sticking with us through 2007, which there were a *lot* of ups and downs for ffx_x2_awards. Here's too another year of submitting and voting!

First Place


Second Place


Third Place TIE




There will be no mods choice this week so as not to leave an icon maker behind.

Congrats on the double win, amber_km and franchette!

Please head over to custom_banners for your banners.

The next theme is already up over here. The themes are Luca and 'provided bases'. Currently we have zero entries, so more are definately needed!

challenge 35

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