5.2 and 5.3

Oct 19, 2005 23:09

Wooo that was a long mission, finished at around 2hrs, BC Was cake, the bosses on way up were harder.
Just the Craver looking NM.

Good Job Team!

Team [unKnown]
-=Moblin BC Run on Saturday - Oct 2 - 2005@ 7:00PM PST=-

Team/Jobs -
-Spook - BLM/WHM
-Suikan - NIN/WAR
-Metadistal - RDM/WHM
-Kenshi -DRK/WAR
-Clyf - WAR/NIN
-Klann -WHM/BLM

[b]Chapter 5.3- Three Paths[/b]


Beaucedine Glacier -> I-7 -> enter tower and talk to 3 taru npcs
-Go to Metalworks and Talk to CID
- Choose investigate Altaiu when he asks.

-Speak to Despearchare in Tavnazian Safehold

-Go To Windy Woods -> Speak to Perih Vashai (K-7)

-Go to Bibiki bay and Ride the Manaclipper to Purgeneo Isle
-Check the ??? Warmachine @ H-11 for a cutscene

-Buy a Snow Lily (Bought at AH Or farmed off ulegand Range tigers)

[Equipment needed]
Echo Drops X12
Hi-Ether X5
Reraise scroll or item.
level 60 gear

Echo Drops X12 (NIN)
Hi-Potion X5
Reraise scroll or item
level 60 gear


Mine Shaft BC - [b]Capped at level 60[/b]
4 Moblin Mage NMs and 1 WAR BugBear NM.
-All Immune to Sleep
-White and Black Magic
-Bugbear is WAR - use mighty strikes
Meta Will Gravity Kite the Bugbear, while we deal with the Moblins. Long path to kite it down.
After Moblin mages die, we attack bugbear.

[glow=green,2,300]After BC Post-Prep for Next BC[/glow]
-Talk to Cid
-Return to Mineshaft #2716 and trade a gold key to shaft entrance for cutscene
-Talk to Cid to complete Louverances Path

[Tenzens Path]
-Travel to ??? (G-6) in La-theine Plataeu
[Pso Xja - Level 50 Cap]
-Travel to Pso-xja (J-8) Tower in beauecedine glacier (level50 cap)
-There is only one path through Pso'xja, a series of sixteen doors, examing the doors may or may not spawn a gargoyle (doll NM). Killing the Gargoyle will open the door for about 30 seconds. There will be mobs that aggro inside each of the rooms that you pass through so treat this mission as an endurance test

-after passing through all 16 doors, you will come to a elevator. Cast Sneak and Invisible and ride elevator down.
-examine the avatar gate with the mural of carbuncle for a cutscene. After cutscene you can escape Pso'Xja by taking the teleporter down the north hallway

-Go to Upper Jueno and talk to Monberaux in the infirmary (G-10)
-Go to Ru'Lude Gardens and Speak to Pherimociel in the Guard Post (G-6)
-Return to Monberaux in Upper Jueno Infirmiry (G-10) and talk to him
-Go to Batallia down and examine the ??? Just outside the gates of jueno on the south side for a cutscene. After the cutscene check the ??? again to receive the Delkfutt recognition Device.
-Travel to Lower Delkfutts tower and examine the Cermet Door (H-5) to spawn the disastor Idol a Doll NM. the Idol casts many high level black magic spells and according to the current elemental day is very resistant to all forms of attack except for attacks of the elmement strong to the current elemental day. After defeating the Disastor Idol, examine cermet door for a cutscene.

[Pso Xja Again - Level 60]
-Stealth Mission - sneak and invisible
-Enter Pso Xja from H-10 Tower in Beaucedine Glacier for a Cutscene
-travel in a counter-clockwise direction around the outside of the area while maintaining sneak and invisible.
-There are many one-way doors that are disorientating and coupled with having no map can make things confusing very quickly. The goal is to reach the southwest room at I-8 and drop down the hall and make your way to the elevator in the center of the area
-before riding elevator down make sure to sneak and invisible.
-ride elevator down and examine avatar gate with fenrir for a cutscene. After cutscene you can escape pso'xja by taking teleporter down the east hallway.
-goto metalworks and talk to cid to finish tenzens path.
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