Title: Paramina Rift (I suck at creative titles!)
Challenge Theme & Number: Challenge #1: Idle Conversation
Characters/Pairings included: Full group
Word Count: 580
Rating: K
Warnings: None whatsoever
Notes: No spoilers. In-game. Just a bit of fun ;D
The last shuffles and voices grew still and silent as the group settled in a softly snowy alcove of the Paramina Rift. It was getting late, the snow turning purple in reflection of the sky and the temperature dropping, if it were even possible.
Vaan sniffed hard for the umpteenth time that hour and finally, someone lost their patience with him.
"Serves you right for wearing that ridiculous metal waist coat," Basch growled beside him.
As usual, Vaan took a few moments to think of a come back. Pursing his lips and looking Basch up and down where they sat he finally thought of one. "At least I won't get a diamond-shaped hole from frostbite on my stomach."
Basch gritted his teeth to restrain from rolling his eyes. Balthier laughed, stretching his legs out in front of them- the picture of ease. "Should have brought leather pants and sleeves," he drawled.
Vaan lunged at him in a mock attempt to pull off his trousers and earned a giggle from Penelo. Looking shocked and disgusted, Balthier shifted away saying, "None of you would fit into my trousers- my legs are so much more slender than any of yours." He glanced at Fran apologetically. "Except Fran of course." The viera shook her head with raised eyes.
Ashe stirred from beside Penelo and her tired voice spoke up. "You are all ridiculous, Penelo has the best clothing. She never gets cold."
"Well I have strong dancers legs," Penelo chimed, clapping her long boots together happily, "so maybe my muscles keep me warm. Your not the only one with thick clothes on, Balthier". The hide of her own trousers was so thick she could barely pinch them. Balthier raised his eyebrows in response, grabbed one of his long white sleeves and shook it in front of her face as if to say 'you forgot the sleeves'. Penelo scowled at him adorably. "I am actually really cold," she added suddenly.
Ashe hugged her large blanket more closely to her. "Well I have the best blanket," she said in a tone of true queenly finality.
"Isn't that the one Basch bought?" Balthier said.
Basch cleared his throat. "I didn't buy it for me..."
Vaan frowned, "Maybe you should lend it to Penelo some time."
Three silent looks of 'are you kidding me?' were directed at him from Basch, Ashe and Penelo.
The viera's odd voice joined in: "Why don't you dance to keep warm, Penelo?" But Penelo shook her head and placed it on Ashe's shoulder. "Too stiff and tired..." Ashe put half of her blanket over Penelo's shoulders and squeezed her with one arm. "Hmm... thanks, Ashe," she said sleepily, "this is the best way to keep warm."
The others observed this longingly.
Vaan abruptly stood up. "Sod you guys," he said to Basch, Balthier and Fran and plonked himself down next to Penelo. The girl laughed and shook out some of Ashe's covers for him.
"Hey I'm not being on the outside!" Ashe protested from the other side of Penelo. "You stole half my blanket!"
Vaan pretended he was already asleep.
Basch grunted, amused, and pushed himself to his feet. He added his much thinner blanket over the lot of them and settled down on Ashe's uncovered side.
There was a contented silence... which Balthier had to break. "Now don't you girls look sweet?" It was him who was snivelling in the morning.
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Gah! That was so fun to write. Hope to see other entries soon :D