Quickening, Quickening, Quickening...*gets KOed* noooooooooo!

May 19, 2007 18:29

Your Name, or Alias: Lauren. I prefer being called Takato, or Tak.
Age: 21
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5"8'

Strong Points: I'm lovable, friendly and creative. I'll always fight for and probably die for my nakama (friends); I love them so much, especially since they're so forgiving for all the shit I do. I have a wild imagination sometimes, and I also care very much for everyone around me. I'm described by my family as the kindest, most caring person you'll find, and it's most likely true; mum said one day that I'd most likely give my last two cents to the hobo on the street corner, though I'm more likely to give it to my friends if they were in a jam with money.
Weak Points: I can get easily flustered and cry a lot, especially if I'm having a panic attack. I'm gullible almost to the extent of being pitiful. I can't handle money very well, as I seem to spend it the moment I get it.
Likes: Reading, drawing, writing, mythology, history, cultures, anime and manga, Japanese/classical/instrumental music, Chinese pop culture, the paranormal.
Dislikes: MARY SUES! Close-minded, mean and homophobic people, crowded places, lables, BRATz *shivers*, stereotypes, fashion, people who dress up their daughters to make them look mature (and they wonder why there's so many rape cases), kids in general.
Hobbies/Talents: I'm looking into taking up Taiko drumming during the course of the winter where I live, and also looking into guitar lessons. Other than this, my hobbies and talents are reading, drawing, writing, videogames and research.

What kind of a first impression do you believe you make?: A bit timid and shy, but a really great friend once you get to know me.
Describe yourself in Three Words: Pleasant, cheerful, and friendly. I'm usually in these dispositions and have a rather laid-back attitude. I tend to make friends with those I have only recently met and will keep them until something happens that might tear us apart. I'm cheerful in a way that could almost be considered gloomy, and I'm a pleasant person in the way that I smile almost all the time (I've heard this makes people weary of you XD)
Leader, or Follower?: Follower. I couldn't lead anyone to save my life.
Optimistic, or Pessimistic?: Pessimistic with a little bit of optimism.
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert.
What Quote best describes your outlook?: "You know what I just realized? Sitting next to the TV speakers while football is on, with my perverted mind whilst reading yaoi, makes football sound like one big male orgy." - Me

When you acquire LP, do you most love to spend it on Weapons, Accessories, Magick, Boosts, or Technicks?: I mostly spend it on Magick and Boosts, but also on Weapons and Accessories. I believe I'm one Quickening away from completing Vaan's Quickening chain as well.
Most Beloved Character from FFXII: Balthier. Both he and Fran are made of sex.
Most Reviled Character from FFXII: Ashe. She just...gets on my nerves.

Photos: Please post as little as one, up to five clear photos of yourself. If you have none, a short description will do. :)
I recently got my hair dyed red, and only after it was dyed did I realize it was Gojyo-red -_______-;

Anything Else? If you feel like it will help you understand me, feel free to check out my LJ.
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