Your Name, or Alias:Anna
Age: 21
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: ahhhhh don't ask! (I'm shoooort)
Strong Points: mischievous,determined, sarcastic, loyal
Weak Points: sharp tongue,stubborn,critical
Likes: Reading,Tennis, music, phoyography, writing, cats, video games, cakes,analyzing people,Daydreaming,stars,freedom
Dislikes: Hate, Injustice,Ignorance,loneliness,incompetence,violence, closed-mindedness, dishonesty and prejudice.
Hobbies/Talents: playing the flute, photography,surfing the net
What kind of a first impression do you believe you make?: I don't know maybe they think I'm arrogant when they first meet me but then they discover I'm not.
Describe yourself in Three Words: crazy, Persistent,friendly,good-humoured.
Leader, or Follower?: leader
Optimistic, or Pessimistic?: pessimistic
Introvert or Extrovert?: extrovert
What Quote best describes your outlook?: "As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do."
When you acquire LP, do you most love to spend it on Weapons, Accessories, Magick, Boosts, or Technicks?: Magick
Most Beloved Character from FFXII: Balthier! He is just perfect
Most Reviled Character from FFXII: I don't like very much vaan and I simply hate Ashe! Grrrrr.
Photos: Please post as little as one, up to five clear photos of yourself. If you have none, a short description will do. :) Black hair, brown eyes, not very tall (ç_ç). I usually wear jeans with t-shirts
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