Your Name, or Alias: Gianni
Age: 15
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height:5'10 I believe...
Strong Points:Optimistic, Determined, outgoing, friendly, thoughtful, caring, intelligent(-ish), free spirited, I'm kinda a big dreamer
Weak Points:I can be harsh and sometimes comes across as cold, I am also quite blunt at times and usually say things I don't mean, I am also quite indecisive and usually change my mind, I'd like to think I'm rational but I can be really impulsive. And random o___O
Likes: Acting, Television, Film, Video Games, Anime, writing
Dislikes: I think I speak for everyone when I say I hate assholes, elitists and the like.
Hobbies/Talents:Swimming, acting, writing and basically everything under my likes o_O
What kind of a first impression do you believe you make?: I think I come across as someone very serious to people I don't know very well, because the outgoing part of my personality doesn't really come until I get to know someone
Describe yourself in Three Words: blunt, determined, outgoing
Leader, or Follower?: Leader (or so I'd like to think)
Optimistic, or Pessimistic?: Optimistic
Introvert or Extrovert?: A bit of both, but extrovert more so than introvert.
What Quote best describes your outlook?: "Carpe Diem" probably.
When you acquire LP, do you most love to spend it on Weapons, Accessories, Magick, Boosts, or Technicks?: I remember whoring them all out to weapons =3
Most Beloved Character from FFXII: Ashe, by far.
Most Reviled Character from FFXII: Larsa was quite the moron if you ask me.
Photos: Anything Else? I don't really care what gender I'm rated as. I can't wait to see what I get!