Spells, with Cordelia Chase. Ohmigosh! I’m doing spells with Cordelia Chase. I mean, I’m a geek but they’re cool y’know. Cordy however was like the coolest of the coolest. I always thought she kinda never knew I existed. And who would like have thought that Cordy would be interested in spells? I guess going out with Xander does her lotsa good.
Cordy and Xander. Now there’s another thing I never thought off. Goodness gracious, this place is just so weird. Maybe it’s the whole hellmouty thingy. It could be! It does weirder kinda things, y’know. Like I dunno, with the vampires and the demons and stuff. Not that I think Cordy is possessed! No way. I think. Naw, she really wants to know about spells.
So I gathered what I had on books, which wasn’t much. Giles had all the books and he wouldn’t even let me near most of those. Silly man, like I would do something dangerous. Doh. So not! I’m all careful girl, y’know. I know what I’m doing and what I can do. I think, guess. Know! I totally know what I’m doing.
I was kinda nervous when I walked into the small classroom Cordy said she’d meet me. Half of me was still expecting that it was on big, ‘lets all laugh about that stupid Willow Rosenberg’ joke. But there wasn’t anyone there. I even checked the closets and such, just to make sure. No one there though. Shrugging, I put the books down on the table and hopped on the other one. I swung my legs, and drummed my fingers on my leg while I waited for Cordy.
She did say we were meeting here right? Ooooh, I’m not sure! I’m almost sure though. Yeah, she said we were gonna meet her. Checking my watch I sighed. Maybe I got the time wrong? Damn, I’m so nervous. Wonder what Xander and Buffy are doing.