Several hours of searching his apartment - when he and Cara had gotten back, and again this morning - and then the greater premises of the MCA building, such as the lobby - and Atton had finally found a weapon
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Cara was disturbingly chipper right now. The broadcast hadn't exactly reassured her (there was only one thing...person that would do that), but it had given her a target.
"After you're done, I'll make him wish you hadn't stopped kicking."
Cara, meanwhile, kept moving past Atton into the thick of the group, slamming her agiels hard into throats and anywhere that looked soft and vulnerable.
Cara snarled and broke the neck of an alien she'd knocked to its knees. At least they'd have taken out most this group of guards before Zinyak could do anything about it.
Pity they were computer simulations and thus that accomplished basically nothing.
"After you're done, I'll make him wish you hadn't stopped kicking."
Yeah. Sure. Especially with the way Zinyak's sighing attention was turning towards you now.
Pity they were computer simulations and thus that accomplished basically nothing.
...For another, you know, five seconds.
Which was the time it took for something to yank Atton backwards into a giant doorway of light.
Spoiler, she probably wasn't going to succeed.
Bleep, he heard.
He stared up at an armada of spaceships, arranged in a weirdly gridlike pattern.
"What the--"
But that was okay because another doorway opened up beneath her.
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