Title: Playground consequences
blondecanary and
heromaniac and the power of late night AIM access
Fandoms: Fandom High (Birds of Prey, DC, and Powerpuff Girls Z).
Rating: G
Author’s Note: Spontaneous future ficlet written at 3am over chat. Inspired by AU!Kids weekend.
Sin winds up apologizing in the principal's office a lot.
"I am sorry your son is stupid and mean."
Dinah facepalmed
"I am sorry your son did not get out of the way of my punch?"
Dinah sighed.
"I am sorry I hit your son. I will only do so if he continues to be cruel."
"... yeah, we're working on this. Keep your kid away from mine, okay?"
Sophia scrubbed at a spot on the floor as she waited for Sin and Tia to come out of the office. She'd already gotten a pre-lecture and they were just waiting for momma to get here for the real thing. Stupid Alejandro, getting Sin and her into trouble. Well, she grinned, at least he wouldn't be causing trouble for a while. It took about a week for a broken nose to heal. As Sophia was well aware.
Tia Dinah came out with Sin's hands in hers, and smiled ruefully at Sophy. "You couldn't have just kicked him?"
"I did, Tia! And told him to stay down." Boys were just stupid, duh.
Dinah facepalmed
Sin looked impassive. She always did when she got into trouble. "He punched Sophy in the arm first. I explained."
...then Sin had followed Sophy's kick with the smack to the face. It was their one-two combo. Admittedly they had newer and fancier ones, but this was their favourite for a quick and easy take down on the playground.
Sophy shrugged. "See? Totally self defense! Plus he was being a jerk and pushing some of the smaller kids around." And heroes didn't stand by when innocent people were being hurt.
Sin nodded firmly. "Yes. You told us to defend other people. Smaller people. Alejandro is a bully." She pointed at Sophy. "And, her eyes are very pretty. He is very stupid."
He had made other remarks about Sin, but they were unimportant. She knew very well that she was Vietnamese; why did he think she did not? Or use bad words for it?
Sophy was saving that bit to explain to her mother, since she'd totally wore out the 'he said stuff about my eyes' excuse by now. "Really, Tia, this is totally a good thing. It will give him plenty of time to reflect on how totally stupid and mean he is and maybe learn not to be a bully anymore."
Dinah sighed. "You can't do this with words? You can't just restrain him and keep him from bothering the other little kids? You can't just call him a poophead?"
Sin looked thoughtful. "So we are allowed to tie him up with the jump rope?"
Sophia's eyes got a gleam in them as she turned to face Sin. "That could work! Only we'd have to use a real one and not one of those clacky beaded ones!"
Dinah grimaced. "In the interests of us not all going to the school psychologist again, can we hold off on that? Please?"
Sin was still looking very, very thoughtful.
Sophia started to reply but quickly went quiet and pale when she caught a glimpse of her mother coming around the corner. Her very unhappy-looking mother. "Uh oh."
"'Uh oh', is right, young lady." Momoko bent to examine the scratches and bruises on Sophy's face. "I had a meeting scheduled for today that I had to cancel and I had to ask your grandmother to watch your sisters so that I could be here. Even though you promised me that there would be no more meetings with the principal about you two fighting."
Sin looked regretful for the first time. Not exactly sorry, but. "Me siento, Tia Momoko. Alejandro was being a ... poopyhead." She paused. "He punched first. We did not go see a teacher. I am sorry about your meeting."
Dinah sighed. "Think we should just give up and go for home-schooling?"
Satisfied her daughter only had the typical minor scrapes and bruises, Momoko gave Sophy a tap on her nose, then stood back up and sighed herself. "And face this when we release them upon the world as grown-ups? Totally not. Besides, I still don't understand how they do math here." She tucked a strand of hair behind Sin's ear and grinned at her. "Thank you for apologizing, Sin. But really if you two could remember how bad you feel about what happens after and next time not do this again? Were you hurt?"
Sin blinked at Tia Momoko tolerantly, and said, "No" in a tone that meant duh. "We remember. But it is most important Alejandro be sorry too." Or he'd turn into a warlord and get a tank and roll over Mexico. Such was her experience of mean little boys.
Dinah grimaced at Momoko's point, and rubbed her eyes. "Okay. No video games, no movies, no TV, no..." She paused, trying to think of something else.
"No naps?" Sin looked hopeful, then sighed. "No cookies?" And that would be a tragedy.
"What's most important, Sin, is that people not be hurt when you are trying to make them see how they are being a... poopyhead? So! No desserts, period, at our house. And only fruit for snacks. Which," Momoko turned back to Sophy, "Will make your sisters very mad at you and so I hope you're prepared for that result, young lady."
Momoko sighed and glanced up at the door, then to Dinah. "Think I could sneak out of here without going in there? It's not like it's any different from any other time. Except which mother I'm apologizing to. I'm surprised there are any left."
"No cookies," Dinah agreed. Then to Momoko, "Well, I did have Lita Rodriguez's mother call to thank me yesterday. Which... doesn't really help." She grimaced. "I'll cover you, if you want to make a break for it and do this over the phone. Alejandro's mother is mortified, if it helps, though."
Alejandro's papa was the one who taught him all those words, which was why he was no longer married to Alejandro's mama.
She gave Sophy a brief look of sympathy. Mei and Elena were likely to give her holy heck. Sin looked stricken, then leaned over to whisper, "I will give you any Alfred cookies I have to give to Elena and Mei."
Sophy's face had gone from pale to ghostly when Momoko had declared her punishment. Elena and Mei would make her life torture when they found out, so Sin's whisper was a lifeline. "Thank you!" she whispered back. "I totally owe you!"
Momoko frowned at Dinah. "Why is she mortified? Wasn't this just a regular fight? I just got a brief voicemail to come down for another talk with another parent."
Dinah grimaced, looking over at Sophy and Sin, and lowered her voice. "He was picking on some younger kids, pushing them off swings, then threatening to hit them, when Sin and Sophy confronted him. He called both of them names-- racial stuff-- then punched Sophy. Which is when our dynamic duo took him down and broke his nose between them."
Sin nodded to Sophy, because what were friends for? And she still knew how to get to the Alfred cookies, even though Sister did not know that. Elena and Mei didn't deserve to be punished too, after all.
Momoko facepalmed. "Oh no. And I'm going in there? She's probably going to fall all over herself apologizing and her kid is the one who's been injured."
"Probably," Dinah said, making a face. The woman had made some comment about how nice it was that Dinah had adopted a little girl from China. Ah, well. "The principal is not happy."
One could only imagine what would be said when a red-headed Japanese woman walked into the room, then.
"You know, I think the last time I saw a happy principal was when Sophy left kindergarten? Ah well, come on, little-one. Let's face the music." She held out her hand for her daughter and made for the door. "And don't think this is the only lecture you're going to get today, Sophia Chisaki Reyes. They called your papa before they called me, this time."
Sophia rolled her eyes and gave Sin a small wave as they headed through the door. "Bye! I'll call you later!"
Sin waved back, and called, "To be finishing the fort!" And then calmly walked out with Sister's hand in hers, content with the outcome. Even if it meant a nap and no cookies.