Who: Kurama, Scorpy, and Bee
Where: Walmart, Police Station, Bee's garage
When: Sunday afternoon
What: After Scorpy runs away from Flea, Kurama finds him and tries to help him find home.
Scorponok couldn't stay at the Walmart whether or not Bumblebee was coming for him. He was too fidgety to remain there with nothing to distract him and the pink-haired human had not understood that he wanted to play.
He headed in any random direction as he exited the store, running through rows upon rows of lifeless vehicles, desperate to find some one who could direct him back to Bumblebee and unaware that he had crossed from one parking lot to another in his flight.
Kurama had just finished his grocery shopping for the week at the -- in his opinion -- only decent shop in town. Which for some reason was located next to the Walmart. He came alone on this trip; since Kaito would not be home the upcoming week they didn't need as much as usual. He'd just started on home when someone ran past him in what looked like Flea's cape... who was decidedly not Flea.
His mothering instincts kicking in the moment he smelled the little boy's confusion and fear, he stored the groceries in the same space he stored his seeds and took off after him, hoping he wouldn't scare him further.
Scorponok did not like being chased. Being chased usually meant some one was angry with him and he was going to be hurt. He knew, of course, that he was being pursued. He may not have had the sensory systems he was used to, but he still had a pretty keen sense of hearing and could still feel vibrations through the ground.
The only thing he could think to do to escape being caught was run faster. Unfortunately, he didn't rely very much on his sense of sight, and therefore didn't pay attention to where he was going...And promptly crashed right into one of the parked cars.
Kurama winced in sympathy as the kid slammed into the car. That looked like it really hurt. Slowing down to a slow walk, he approached him and stood a non-threatening distance from him. "Are you injured?" he asked quietly, keeping his hands where they could be seen.
Ouchpainhurt! Scorponok had crumpled to the ground, arms wrapped around his middle where he had impacted with metal. He made a little whimpery sound, looking up at the person who'd approached him, eyes narrowed, expression pained.
When he didn't receive a verbal answer, he sighed. "I wish now Hiei had come with me. He's the telepath, not me," he muttered to himself. He knelt down to rest on one of his knees and gestured to himself. "My name is Kurama. I'm not going to hurt you. I'd like to help you, if I can. Will you let me?"
...Help? Scorponok looked up at Kurama curiously, head cocked. The pink-haired person had wanted to do the same thing and now he was skeptical. Find Bee?
Hoping he was interpreting the tilt of the head and the curious look correctly, he inched closer to him. "Yes, help. May I?"
A look of surprise crossed the little 'Con's face. Had this human been able to hear him? Was there some kind of...No; that was impossible. Hear communicate link yes no? He rose gingerly, still wary and suspicious.
Kurama smiled when the boy stood. "Ah, good. You're not too badly hurt." He held out his hand to him. "Is there any way you can tell me your name? I'd like to know what to call you and so I can help you find your parents or guardians." He smiled, hoping that a friendly expression would help him be less wary. In Kurama's mind he resembled a hurt rabbit, ready to bolt at any moment.
Designation: Scorponok. Scorponok kept gazing at the smiling face of this human who...somehow seemed...familiar...Oh slag. Wasn't he the one who...? A sinking feeling suddenly washed over Scorponok; he wasn't sure he wanted this human to know his name. He had been pretty mad about his garden...
The sour smell of fear washed over Kurama like a wave. He quickly moved back, running his actions through his mind, wondering where he'd gone wrong. What had he done to scare the poor boy so much? "I'm sorry," he said softly. "I didn't mean to scare you." He kept his distance, but he held out his hand again. "So," he tried again, "Can you tell me your name, little one?"
No. Scorponok shook his head. Not only was it impossible for him to share his name -this human couldn't hear him, after all- he didn't want to, either. He was certain he'd be in deep trouble when the human realized who he was.
Kurama's mind was already racing, thinking up strategies and plans. "You can't, ne? Well, that's all right. I'll call you Little One until I can find out. Is that okay?"
Scorponok made a face; he didn't like being called much of anything but his name. But that was a bit of a problem, since he couldn't tell the human that. He let out a small, displeased sound, shaking his head a little. But...He had to go along with this, or he might never get home. Fine. He sighed, letting himself relax a little to show that he was willing to do what was asked of him.
Kurama tilted his head. From the look on his face he didn't like that, but the rest of him seemed to say "whatever". Shaking his head, he stood up. "Well," he started, "First thing to do is get you some clothes on, then find Flea, if that is his cape. Maybe he can help us find your family." He held out his hand again, hoping that it would be taken.
Scorponok warily put his hand in the offered one. Clothes were a good thing, if he recalled. He hoped this human would be able to help him put them on...Bumblebee had helped the last time. He didn't think Flea could help them, but...Flea HAD been able to track down Bumblebee's journal for him. Yes. Idea good...Outer coverings safe less vulnerable protect...Find Bee...
Kurama smiled at him, glad that he'd made that much progress. Looking around, he sighed, realizing that Walmart was their best shot for clothes. "By Inari I hate that place," he muttered. To Scorponok, he said "We'll be going in there really quick to buy you some clothes, okay? Any colors you like, just point to them."
Scorponok nodded solemnly. He really didn't want to go into that building either...It was a busy, overwhelming place. But he knew that humans didn't run around without clothes; he paid enough attention to know that. Bad building...
Kurama smirked. "You don't like it either, ne? Well, we'll be in and out as quickly as possible then." With that, Kurama led Scorponok to the boy's section as quickly as possible. Looking him over quickly, he said "You're a small, I think. Point to anything here you'd like and I'll get it for you."
Scorponok spared a glance at the clothing. He didn't really want any of it; none of it matched his usual coloring. The clothing Bumblebee had given him before was the same colors as his armor, at least and...What was that? He paused by a rack of brightly colored tee-shirts with...Bumblebee on them. NOT his Bumblebee...The Bumblebee he'd been fighting when Blackout was still online. He snatched one of them off the rack and clutched it in a small hand. Bee!
"You want that one then?" he asked, looking at it. Thankfully Scorponok had grabbed a small; he didn't know what might happen if he had to put it back to look for an appropriate size. "Okay then. Now we just need to get you into a fitting room so you can put them on and we can get out." Paying for them? Who ever said anything about paying? With Flea's cape over them, no one would know.
Yes yes yes yes! Scorponok bobbed his head; he most certainly did want this piece of clothing. It might not have been his Bumblebee, but it was close enough and maybe he could get the point across...
Looking around, the kitsune-human caught sight of the male's fitting room. "There we are. You go over there and into one of the little rooms and change while I make us a distraction in the floral department. I'll be right back."
Change? That was easier said than done. Scorponok knew nothing about putting on clothing...He started trying to pull the pieces of clothing on. At first, he wound up tangled up in the shirt. Making a frustrated sound, he tried again, finally popping head out. Aha! Now to solve the mystery of the shorts...
Kurama did love causing chaos when he could. He smirked as he walked away from the now out of control floral department, where a Makai morning glory he had planted was starting to take over and spread into the pharmacy. He quickly made his way back to the changing rooms -- which were now blissfully deserted -- he looked around for Scorponok. "Ah, there you are," he said, opening the door to find him staring confusedly at the shorts. Hiding a laugh behind his hand at it -- it really was cute, in a way -- he knelt down. "Would you like some help with those?"
Nod nod. Yes. Scorponok was not ashamed that he needed help with a lot of things. Especially confusing human things like eating and wearing clothing.
"All right then." He held them out in front of Scorponok. "Just step into them like you're walking up stairs. Hold onto my shoulder if you need the balance."
Scorponok slid his way into the shorts, wriggling a little to get comfortable in them. Once he was fully clothed again, he pointed at the image on the front of the shirt again. Bee Bee Bee...Look Bee find Bee....Bee Bee...Not the same same designation find home BEE!
Kurama tilted his head at that. Reading the shirt, he asked "Bumblebee?"
YES! Another bob of the head, coupled with a big smile. Yes yes yes... He hoped -hoped- Kurama would remember that there was a small yellow car somewhere in town with the same name.
The gears in Kurama's mind were turning, yes, but more to the fore in his mind was getting out without being seen. "You can tell me all about him when we're out of the store, okay?"
Another nod. Okay. Scorponok dashed out of the fitting room, scampering stealthily out of the store. He didn't know he was supposed to pay for things, so he didn't feel any sort of guilt for just running off. He really just wanted to get out of there and find Bumblebee.
Kurama chuckled a bit as he quickly followed him out, making sure to get the cape in the process. Once they were standing outside, Kurama held out his hand again. "Now, tell me about Bumblebee. Do you mean this one or the one in town?"
Scorponok once again took the offered hand, pondering the question. He knew the answer, of course, but he wasn't sure how to answer so that the redhead would understand. This wasn't really a question he could answer by nodding or shaking his head...Frowning, he shook his head. Then nodded. Then shrugged, hopefully indicating that he couldn't answer that particular question.
Kurama chuckled. "Right, I forgot. Trying again. Do you mean this Bee?" he asked, pointing to the one on Scorponk's shirt.
No no no. Scorponok shook his head, letting go of Kurama's hand. He pointed at the Bumblebee on his shirt, then made an angry face and started acting out a fight. That Bumblebee had been an enemy and had engaged his teammates in battle several times. Enemy fight battle hurt hurt hurt...
Kurama watched, intrigued. "So you fought this one and you don't like him?" he asked. "Then that means the Bee here in town. Am I right?"
Nod nod nod. YES! Scorponok jumped a little, clapping his hands and smiling. Now they were getting somewhere. Bee...Bee Bee Bee here home find yes?
The red head thought quietly for a moment. Scorponok meant that Bee, but what about that Bee? He couldn't ask what, as it was too complicated a question for him to answer. Shrugging he took a wild stab. "Do you want to find him?"
YES! Scorponok made an excited little noise, nodding again. Home Bee! He smiled happily, glad to be understood. My Bee...Safe protect look after play...
The little one's happiness was infectious and made the kitsune-human smile. "Then let's go look for him. Do you have any idea where you last saw him?"
Yes. Scorponok's head bobbed up and down again. Bee home. But how to explain that to Kurama? Especially when he didn't even know where home was...
He held his hand out for the other again. "Perhaps we should walk around town until you see something you recognize?"
Okay. Another nod as Scorponok slid his hand back into Kurama's. He wasn't sure he would recognize many things; he relied mostly on his sense of touch...When he traveled, he paid attention to the vibrations of the ground more than the sights around him. But it was worth a shot.
He smiled down at him as they started walking away from Walmart and the chaos that was still reigning. "Do you think Bee will be looking for you?" he asked.
Yes. This one was a solemn, serious nod. Scorponok wasn't sure why he and Bumblebee had hit it off -they were from opposing factions, after all- but he was glad they had, and fairly certain that the Autobot was as upset about their separation as he was.
"That's good," the thief replied, keeping his eyes out for either the yellow bot or the human form he'd seen at prom. The small group of Transformers that were around had a habit of becoming human at random times, so he decided that it would be best to keep an eye out for both. "Then we might run into him as we look. Have you seen anything familiar yet?"
Scorponok glanced around. Nothing looked remotely familiar; Walmart and the Police Station were in completely different parts of town. Scorponok only really recognized places near the station by sight, since that was where he spent most of his time. No. He shook his head in response to the question.
Kurama made a small thinking noise in his throat; this wasn't going as well as he'd like. Then an idea hit him, which quite frankly should have come to him much earlier than it did. "Maybe we should go by the Police Station," he thought out loud. "I really should take you there anyway."
A small, excited squeak slipped its way out at that suggestion and Scorponok began to nod again. Yes; yes; YES. That was a VERY good idea. If they went near the Police Station, they could find Solomon. And maybe even Bumblebee, though Scorponok doubted that. He was pretty certain the Autobot would be out looking for him.
"Then we'll do that." Changing direction Kurama set off for the Police Station, vaguely hoping that Bee was there filling out a missing person's report... and was also hoping that the 'Bot would know to fill one out in the first place.
If Scorponok had known the way, he would have been running and dragging Kurama along with him. He didn't like being away from the person he was most attached to at any given moment; it made him feel small and lonely. And Bumblebee was the closest thing he had to a host any more.
They arrived there sooner than Kurama had anticipated, but then he usually made a point of avoiding the Station. Not just because it was a Police Station, but that most of the officers were batshit insane. "Here we are," he said somewhat uneasily. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door. "Shall we?"
Scorponok ran inside, hands flapping slightly in excitement. Bee? He skittered to a halt, not seeing Bumblebee anywhere, and glanced around. No sign of Solomon either...Slag! He slumped a little, pouting. Now what would they do?
Kurama looked around warily, on edge just being in there. He'd never liked police stations and barely could stand visiting Koenma at times. Too much authority for the freedom loving kitsune. Taking a deep breath, he walked over to one of the uniformed officers. "Excuse me, but is Bumblebee around?" he asked, remembering that he was one of the police cars.
"No, he's run off," the officer replied, the tone in his voice clearly condescending of the Bot.
Nodding, Kurama thanked him and walked over to Scorponok. "It looks like Bumblebee isn't here, Little One. We'll have to look elsewhere."
Scorponok stuck out his tongue at the officer, then made a face at Kurama. He knew Bumblebee wouldn't be there. He was annoyed that Solomon wasn't, however. He'd kind of been counting on the blond being there...
He frowned, thinking for a moment. Then his face lit up and he grabbed Kurama by the hand, dragging him out of the building and around the corner. He knew his way home from the Police Station.
Stumbling lightly at the sudden tug, Kurama followed after him. "You know this area, then?" he asked as he got his footing.
Scorponok nodded, grinning over his shoulder. They were near the garage; maybe they would find Bumblebee.
He scampered across the street, not even bothering to look for cars, and started punching in the access code to Bumblebee's security system. It was a number sequence he'd memorized easily; he had to know it as a robot as well.
Unlocking the door and stepping inside, he looked around.
No Bumblebee.
Kurama followed him in, sighing at the emptiness. He'd hoped that maybe Bee had come back to regroup or something when he saw Scorponok put in the code. "Well, this certainly isn't good." He knew the little one was home, but he felt uneasy about it all the same. "Do you want me to stay here with you in case Bee comes home soon?"
Scorponok sighed, frustrated. They were so close; he was home, but now there was no Bumblebee. He didn't want to stay there without Bumblebee, but he didn't want to go back out...And Bumblebee had told him to stay in one place, but...He doubted the Autobot would think to check back home for him.
As luck would have it, however, Bumblebee was making a quick pitstop home. He was hungry and, if he recalled correctly, there was a half-eaten bag of potato chips leftover somewhere from the last time they were organic.
Bumblebee paused for a moment at the sight of the open door. He had a lot of expensive electronics in the garage; it wasn't a stretch to think some one had broken in. Of course, there was always the chance that...Trying not to get his hopes up *too* much, Bumblebee scurried into the garage.
Kurama turned around upon hearing the scuffling noise of footsteps, ready to defend Scorponok if he needed to. His defensive posture immediately dropped upon seeing the vaguely familiar form. "Are you Bumblebee?" he asked, just to make sure.
He didn't need to ask; Scorponok barreled forwards, throwing himself at Bumblebee. Bee! He laughed at the delighted expression on Bee's face when he realized Scorponok was home safe in and in one piece, catching the smaller boy up in a hug.
Bumblebee had never felt so relieved in his life.
He smiled, and unwilling to interrupt the happy reunion, he patted Scorponok on the head. "I'll be seeing you around town later then, Little One," he said and started to make his way to the door.
Scorponok was too busy latching on to Bumblebee and trying hopelessly to think at him to respond, but Bumblebee had enough courtesy to look up from the hug and smile brightly at Scorponok's rescuer. "Thanks..." He called after the retreating figure.
Kurama's grin became broader as he turned around. "You're welcome. He was a joy to have met."
Bumblebee nodded in acknowledgement, then turned back to fuss over the little 'Con more, making sure he was unharmed. "We should fuel..." He said, "Then recharge...You must be exhausted..." And that was that. Bee wasn't the most thoughtful mech; he wouldn't think to ask Kurama anything about where Scorponok had been and what had happened to him in the time they were apart.
Amused, he started for home. He didn't expect any questions or any more thanks, not with Bee being so relieved to be reunited with Scorponok. He would have reacted in the same way if Kayura or Kaito had gone missing, after all. He was just glad he was able to help.