New DW Ep + SPN Vid

May 01, 2011 03:43

*head!desk* Oh....Doctor who! Why do you do these things to me?!

The new episode today was fucking HORRIFYING, first off. My dad was in the shower, and I'm sure he heard me scream when you saw The Silence hanging from the ceiling!

Also, I love Rory. I really, really do. And I kinda want him to punch The Doctor. Just once. I think everyone will feel better. The writers need to stop accidentally making Amy look like a tart.

SPEAKING OF WHICH...I do not think the kid is her Time Lord love child with The Doctor. That would be way too easy, and Moffat is way too creative for that. And I don't think he's really gunna ruin Amy and Rory's marriage just for infidelity shock value. Yes, the kid is a Time Lord. I will give you that, but there are SO many other possibilities out there!

One thing the new series had never poked at, was Susan, the Doctors granddaughter. She was still on Earth last she was mentioned.

Then there is Romana, who is a Time Lady from the old series. She was mentioned by the head Time Lord guy in End of Time, simply saying that things went badly for her after the Time War.

And for those of you who have never heard of either of those women, there is also Jenny, the Doctors clone/daughter thingy from that episode in the new series 4. (It was the episode with Joseph Dempsie who plays Will in Merlin! And holy crap, have you all ever noticed that everyone on Merlin except Arthur and Morgana has been on Doctor Who?)

Another thing we know is the Silence steal technology, and their...lab type place where they had Amy all strapped in? It looked like the inside of the old school TARDIS! Why does no one else point that out?

Okay, so that is my rant, posted mostly here so it will be dated and such, so when one of my thoughts is right, I can go back and go HAHA CLINTON! I TOLD YOU SO!

P.S: For Halloween this year? I'll draw a bunch of marker marks on me and pretend not to know how they got there. GENIUS.

I have a new favorite video. Not slashtastic or anything. Just funny. The tagline should be like, "If these four are our last hope, we're DOOMED."

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[fandom] squee!, [show] doctor who, [show] supernatural

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